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It was in the middle of the night, when the entire house Jungkook lived became silent. Everyone had managed to find somewhere to sleep; Namjoon and Seokjin, Yoongi and Jimin, and Hoseok and Taehyung ended up taking the spare rooms the brunette had in his house, leaving the redhead on the couch by herself.  She didn't really mind though; she preferred to sleep alone and be alone in general.

Jungkook was fast asleep on his bed, pillow hugged tightly against his chest as his mouth was slightly agape, soft snores erupting from him. The door to his bedroom opened up, yet the brunette was too deep into his sleep to hear the creaking of the wood. The person walked into his room, careful not to be too loud as he approached the sleeping brunette on the bed. His lips curved upwards at the sight, a soft sigh escaping past his lips.

He reached his hand out and lightly tapped the brunette's arm in hopes of waking him up without startling him. When Jungkook didn't move even an inch, he tried again, with a bit more force on his tapping. For the second time, Jungkook hadn't responded and was still in a deep sleep on his bed.

"Jungkook-ah," he spoke quietly, pushing the brunette's arm with a bit of force. Jungkook only hugged his pillow tighter against his chest, still no sign that he was awake. "Jungkook-ah," he pushed his arm a bit harder, this time waking the brunette up.

Jungkook quickly sat up in his bed and reached over to turn the lamp on that lay atop of his bedside table. He rubbed his eyes with the back of his hand, both from tiredness and from the light blinding his eyes. Once his eyes were adjusted to the light, he peered up at the person who decided to wake him up at midnight.

"What is it Taehyung?" Jungkook yawned, lazily looking at the blonde who was holding tightly onto a blanket. "Why'd you wake me up?"

Taehyung bit the inside of his cheek, his cheeks tinting with a light rosy shade. "I don't like sleeping alone," the blonde mumbled, hugging the blanket tightly against his chest. 

"Why don't you go sleep with one of the others then?" Jungkook yawned once again, looking through half-lidded eyes at the blonde. He picked his pillow up and set it on his lap, holding it against him as he continued to look at the blonde.

Taehyung sighed, shaking his head slightly. "They're all sleeping with their special person, while I took the couch. It was dark and lonely out there, I didn't want to be alone."

While Taehyung told Jungkook what he did, it wasn't a full lie. He did ask Kaesi to switch sleep areas with him because he figured it was better to get the redhead and ginger together, while completely forgetting his habit of sleeping with another person. The blonde couldn't get a blink of sleep without someone in the same bed as him, whether they were cuddled up or not. He just needed someone there with him so he wouldn't feel alone. And Taehyung hated feeling alone.

"Alright, fine," the brunette moved over to the left side of the bed, clutching his pillow tightly as he did so. "You can sleep in here for tonight, since I'm tired and don't want you to feel lonely. Don't get used to this though, and stay on your side of the bed."

Taehyung giddily climbed into the right side of the bed, wrapping himself up in the blanket he had been carrying around with him. Jungkook reached over to the bedside table and switched the lamp off before laying down and cuddling back into his pillow. The silence once again enveloped the small house where Jungkook lived, the only sound being his and the blonde's breathing.

Once the brunette was fast asleep once again, the blonde scooted closer to Jungkook and snuggled against his back, his arm hanging off the younger boy's side. His head was buried in the nape of Jungkook's neck, the sweet scent of vanilla and apples filling his senses. Taehyung sighed in content before drifting off to sleep, cuddled against the back of Jungkook.

+ note ; this is the first story part ive made in a while that ended up being less than 1k words and im extremely saddened about that but i felt the need to add this short taekook fluff in. it's not a very long part, but i wanted to update for you so badly and this idea had been in my mind since 1st period today.

i hope it isn't too shitty, thank you for reading.

also, thank you for over 1k reads. idk how we got this far with only seven parts total, but im thankful.

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