twenty eight.

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+ note ; …angst ahead…

Three Days Until The Kaeseok Date

Night quickly fell over the group on that day, all of the fun they were having, coming to an end as well. The sun disappeared from the sky, letting its forbidden love rise up high, using its brightness to shine down on the darkness of the night. Oh what a beautiful way to end such an amazing day; the moon shining highly above everyone and millions of little stars scattered across the navy blue abyss.

The group of eight were in the middle of their drive back to the brunette’s house from the amusement park. Seokjin was in the front seat, driving the car with Namjoon riding passenger side. The middle row of the van contained Yoongi, Jimin, Taehyung and Jungkook who were all in a half-awake, half-asleep state. In the far back sat Hoseok and Kaesi, whom were both fast asleep, the redhead’s head leaning on the ginger’s shoulder.

Everything seemed to be going just swell, the needed couple for Jungkook’s story seemed to have bonded over the trip to the amusement park, the brunette was able to tell just by the subtle glances they sent each other’s way. That, of course, didn’t convince Jungkook that the orange haired boy was in love with the girl; it was all just too soon, things like that take time.

Like his relationship with Taehyung, for instance. Jungkook was completely oblivious to his feelings for the blonde, at first. In the very beginning he even doubted that the group were actually his characters because logic would prove that your created, made-up characters couldn’t just magically appear in your house the next day, upon wishing for their appearance. Logic would show that the group were some sort of intruders, yet the brunette seemed to know that deep down, they were his actual characters.

And the more time he spent with the group of seven, the more he understood who they were and what their actual personalities were like. That, during the few times that they bonded, had the brunette realized that the group were indeed the seven people he conjured up for his romance novel. There wasn’t any sort of doubt in his mind about that. He trusted them and let them into his life; he knew that they were only there to help with getting a certain pair together but the mere fact that they were there, spending time with the brunette and helping him overcome the loneliness he felt, gave the brunette a sort of reassuring feeling that he was in desperate need of.

Seokjin pulled into the driveway of the brunette’s house, the van seeming to go over a small bump in the concrete, which jerked the vehicle a bit. The jerk seemed to awake the redhead and ginger, who were holding confused expressions in their barely-awake forms.

“What just happened?” The redhead mumbled as she used the back of her hands to rub at her tired eyes. “It felt like we just went over a speed bump or something.”

Seokjin turned the van off before pulling the key out of the ignition, unlocking the doors for everyone else to get out. “No, I just think we ran into a hole in the concrete or something,” the pinkette shrugged before exiting the car.

As soon as the eldest of the group exited the car and turned to face the front door of Jungkook’s house, the pinkette noticed something on the ground. He lowered his gaze to get a better look at what he seen out of the corner of his eye. The sight made his eyes widen as a sort of scream escaped past his lips.

Upon hearing the scream, the group was quick to get into action and see what had happened. They all gathered around the pinkette, asking him what was wrong. Instead of answering, though, the pinkette just lifted one of his now-shaky hands, pointing a shaky index finger at the ground. The rest of the group followed the eldest’s finger until it fell upon the thing Seokjin was talking about.

“What is it? I’m too short and can’t see!” Kaesi exclaimed as she pushed her way through the small group of people.

“Kaesi, I don’t think-“

writer | taekookWhere stories live. Discover now