twenty nine.

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+ note ; #547 in fanfiction,, someone want to tell me how that’s possible? the end is near and it’s not even focused solely on taekook,, im surprised more people haven’t dropped this story than more people choosing to read it.

oh and for those who are upset that i didn't make hoseok gay and don't have kaesi as a boy, im sorry. both kaesi and i are deeply sorry for that and the girl even tries explaining that she wants to be different for hoseok to love her. stop hating on my baby, i will call the #KaesiProtectionSquad on whoever hates on kaesi for being a girl and i will delete comments about being disappointed that hoseok isn't gay. if it makes you feel any better, he is bisexual okay? so stop hating and enjoy this story or don't read it and leave.

Two Days Until The Kaeseok Date

After the accident the previous night, the redhead was a bit on edge and a lot more cautious about the orange kitten’s safety. She had decided that bringing the ball of fluff with her everywhere she went was the only way for her to keep him safe. Having the kitten is really the only thing that kept the girl from doing even more drastic things to rid herself of the brunette’s story. She even tried asking Jungkook to erase her character or change her, but the boy was highly against it. The last thing the brunette wanted was to lose someone he cared about, and he cared about every single character from his story. He didn’t want anything bad to happen to any of them, they were all too precious to him.

“What’s on your mind, Jungkookie?”

Jungkook looked down at the head of blonde hair that lay on the brunette’s bare chest. The brunette only let out a short sigh, reaching his hand up and running it through the elder’s hair to try and calm his own nerves down. There were only two days left before Hoseok and Kaesi went on their date and the brunette was nervous about what the outcome would be. All he wanted was for the two to be happy together, he wanted them to just be happy in general.

Seeing as though the ginger kept denying he had any feelings towards the redhead made the situation all the more difficult, because it wasn’t hard to tell that Hoseok had felt something for the redhead, but even he didn’t realize it. Jungkook, however, was able to see it. After Taehyung opened his eyes with love, Jungkook was able to tell when there was something more between people and he spotted that between Hoseok and Kaesi. Why the ginger kept denying, that was a question that was left unanswered by the brunette.

“Just thinking about their date in two days,” Jungkook heaved out another sigh as he wrapped his free arm around the blonde’s waist, holding him tightly on his chest. Taehyung snuggled closer to the brunette, placing a feathery kiss on the younger’s chest, right above his heart.

The blonde laid his head down on the place where the brunette’s heart was so he could listen to its beating. Its beating wasn’t steady, however. Due to being so close to Taehyung and the tsunami of feelings he felt towards the elder, Jungkook’s heart was beating a quicker pace, one that the blonde could only feel content with hearing. He was the cause of the younger’s irregular heartbeat, after all.

“I hope it goes well for those two,” Taehyung frowned at the thought of his two friends. He lifted one of his hands up and placing it on the younger’s chest, drawing all sorts of designs on the skin with the tips of his fingers. “KaeKae loves him so much, I wish he could just see how much she loves him. Then he’d probably realize his feelings for her.”

Jungkook nodded his head, agreeing with the elder’s words. But there was no way that the brunette was going to simply tell the ginger about the girl’s feelings; he’d have to find that out on his own. With their days numbered, the only real way Jungkook could help him realize his feelings was to wait patiently for the date. They’ve done nearly everything the small town the brunette lived in, had to offer.  None of which seemed to help out their situation in the slightest.

“We just have to wait for the date and see how it all unravels from there,” the brunette pointed out, the blonde nodding his head in the slightest. “And for today, I don’t see us doing much. Kaesi almost had a heart attack at the near loss of Hobi last night, I think we all just deserve a day to sit indoors and just relax,” Jungkook twirled one of Taehyung’s blonde strands around his index finger. “Like we are doing right now.”

Taehyung lifted his head up, propping his chin on the brunette’s chest as he looked closely at Jungkook’s face. How he managed to end up in this position, with the person he loved so deeply, the blonde hadn’t a clue. Being able to just wake up and be met with the beauty that was Jungkook, every single day, was something the blonde didn’t know he needed until it happened. He could get used to that; waking up every single morning to be met with the beautiful face of his boyfriend. Everything seemed so complete at that thought, Taehyung felt so complete because of Jungkook.

Noticing the blonde’s intent staring, Jungkook stopping twirling the blonde’s hair around his finger and lowered his hand to cup the chin of the elder. Jungkook used both the arm that was wrapped around the blonde’s waist and the hand that cupped his chin, to pull Taehyung closer to him so their faces were only a few inches apart.

“I’m so grateful that you came into my life, Kim Taehyung,” the brunette mumbled, moving his hand from the blonde’s chin to the side of his cheek, cupping the soft skin in his hand. Taehyung leaned his head against the brunette’s hand, a soft smile tugging at the corners of his lips. “Thank you for showing me what it’s like to love and to be loved.”

With that, Jungkook closed the gap between the two, gently pressing his lips against the elder’s. Taehyung seemed to smile into the kiss, the softness of the brunette’s lips being the only thing he felt at that very moment. The brunette used the advantage of the blonde’s head tilted slightly to the left to put in more passion into the kiss, although it was still filled it love and adoration only.

Taehyung placed his forearms on the brunette’s chest, hands placed on the sides of Jungkook’s neck as their lips continued to mold together in such a gentle and passionate way.

It was moments like those, where the two were lost into their own little world, a world where the only inhabitants were those two. All problems and struggles seem to have been long forgotten, the only thing on both of the boys’ minds being how soft the other’s lips felt against theirs and how much they loved each other. Everything about Hoseok and Kaesi had been long forgotten, everyone else in the house seem to have been long forgotten. All that there was, was Jungkook and Taehyung in their own little world.

Jungkook then decided to take a step further in his relationship with Taehyung. For the next few hours of the day, Jungkook spent it on showing how much the blonde meant to him, by making love to Taehyung like nobody else was around.

Because when they were in their own world, it was only them and nobody else.

+ note ; this is so cute im emotional. and since a lot of you wanted smut, i lowkey added in them being cute with it. of course, this story is far too fluffy to involve a full smut chapter, but the adding of them making love was just too perfect with the moment.

im so in love with this story but there’s only two-three more chapters left. then the epilogue that will leave you all confused as hell jnegrhisdklnvkgreih

this story will probably be finished by today, tbh. i don’t have work and im just staying in bed all day. so get ready for the end of writer. bring tissues, bc you’ll probably need some of those.

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