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By the time the group arrived back at Jungkook’s house, the sun was in the midst of setting. The sky was full of orange, pink and purple hues as the sun slowly disappeared from its home high in the sky, above everyone. The group pulled into the driveway of Jungkook’s house, everyone exiting the van and taking the kitten’s bought items inside the house, except the brunette.

Jungkook wanted to just enjoy the calming night after all of the things that happened earlier that day. Firstly, he was goofing off in a party store with Taehyung, and then he thought Kaesi had gone missing since she disappeared in the backyard. Then, the brunette decided on allowing the redhead to keep the kitten she found in the backyard of his house, which brought them to the pet store with the rude worker who assumed Kaesi was a boy. Having the redhead mistaken as a male by some stranger had really left his mind at a blank.

If it were that easy for some stranger to assume the redhead was a male, then no wonder Hoseok didn’t like Kaesi in any sense rather than friendship. Not only was the redhead a close friend to the ginger, but she was also very boyish. Her hair was cut short to the point it looked similar to the brunette’s, but a little longer. The girl always wore baggy clothes, which always hid her body and there was not much of a chest area for the short girl. No wonder everyone confused Kaesi for a boy, even Jungkook did when he first met her.

The brunette frowned at his own thoughts as he leaned his body against the railing of his porch. That night was a pretty quiet one with a slow and calming breeze that helped him ponder more deeply on his thoughts. He was brought into a situation he would’ve never pictured himself being in, where he had to help get two unlikely people together with his little skills in the love department. Of course, having the rest of the group with him made things a little bit easier, yet it was still hard to get two people in love when one was oblivious to how much the one cared for the other.

Jungkook groaned aloud, his frown deepening. He closed his eyes in partial frustration, just wanting all of the problematic stuff to disappear and for everything to be the way it was supposed to be - for everything to be right.

As his eyes were closed and his full attention was on his thoughts and how to solve all of the problems that approached him, he failed to notice the person that stepped outside and stood alongside him. It wasn’t until the person leaned their head onto his shoulder, that the brunette was brought out of his train of thoughts and problematic situations.

Jungkook looked over at the person next to him, his lips curving into a small smile at the sight. The head of blonde hair was hard to miss and hard to be confused with who it was - in fact, the younger should’ve known it was Taehyung all along. After all, he was the only person that Jungkook was comfortable with being touchy with, even though most of the time the brunette didn’t initiate the things they did; that was all the blonde and his carefree, go-lucky self.

“What are you doing out here, Taehyung?” Jungkook asked the blonde, who lifted his head a bit from the brunette’s shoulder to look at him. “It’s cold out, plus Seokjin is making dinner. You should go inside where it’s warmer.”

Taehyung shrugged his shoulders slightly before leaning his head back onto the younger boy’s shoulder. “It’s a nice night, plus you’re warm enough,” the blonde mumbled the last part, which the younger didn’t quite hear.

Without questioning the elder boy any further, Jungkook shrugged to himself and re-focused his gaze out to the sky. The hues were no longer of oranges, pinks and purples, by then the sky were mostly shades of darker blue and a few purple tones were visible. Other than that, the beautiful array of colors had gone, just like the day. It’s crazy how things can come and go so quickly.

“Hey Jungkookie?” Taehyung asked without looking at the younger boy. “Why did you ever start writing a romance book, if you had no experience with love?”

The brunette was dumbfounded by the questioned asked. Never had he expected that to be a question asked by the blonde - in fact, he never would’ve thought anyone would ask him that question. And as badly as he wanted to give the elder boy an answer to his question, he didn’t quite know how to. In fact, that question had Jungkook thinking about the real reason he started writing the romance novel in the first place.

After all, the brunette was known for his thriller / mystery stories so why did he ever get the idea to write some sort of romance story if he never felt any love towards anyone, excluding his parents. Throughout his twenty years of life, the brunette had never fallen in love with another person or felt that feeling that he even had a small crush on someone - he just went through life working on his studies and doing his best to become a great writer with talents unseen in other authors.

So, why exactly did he write a romance novel in the first place?
Before the brunette had any time to respond, the blonde began talking once again. “I’ve always wanted to fall in love, you know?” Jungkook could practically hear the frown in the blonde’s voice as he spoke. “Everyone else seems to have someone, except me. Namjoon has Seokjin, Yoongi has Jimin, and soon enough Kaesi will have Hoseok, while I have nobody. Why didn’t you give me anyone, Jungkookie?”

Jungkook was frozen; confused and utterly frozen in pure shock. He had just realized that he didn’t write another character for Taehyung to have, so he wouldn’t be the lonely one within the group. He made sure there were pairs for everyone else, excluding the blonde whom played a big role throughout the entire romance novel.

Why? Why didn’t he write someone for Taehyung?

“I’m so sorry Taehyung,” Jungkook lifted one of his arms up and wrapped it around the elder boy’s shoulder, pulling him closer against his side. “I don’t have an excuse as to why I wrote a significant other for everyone else but you. But if it makes you feel any better, I don’t have anyone either, so we can be lonely together, yeah?”
Taehyung simply nodded his head, snuggling closer to the brunette’s side. Jungkook’s lips curved upwards at the gesture, subconsciously leaning the side of his against the blonde’s. The two stayed like that for a little while in complete silence, the only sound being the light breeze and the quickened beating of Taehyung’s heart.

+ note ; kinda short, but taekook fluff !! since some of y’all are dropping this fic bc i keep adding too much kaeseok, which im so sorry about. i didn’t meant to add so much of them, it just goes along with the plot of this fic better.

i have a fic in my drafts rn that i really wanna post but it is my friend’s idea and she already posted it - mine was going to be different than hers - but idk if i should.

but i have a job interview tomorrow !! i want a job for money but then i don't bc i won't get to write as much and that thought makes me wanna cry tbh

but i have a job interview tomorrow !! i want a job for money but then i don't bc i won't get to write as much and that thought makes me wanna cry tbh

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i am an aesthetic lol jkjk

i am an aesthetic lol jkjk

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me @ myself

you @ this shitty story

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