thirty one.

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+ note ; thank you all for reading this story, we managed to reach 20k reads and a rank of #547 in fanfiction. i started this story without having an idea where it was going to go and without really having high expectations for it, yet here we are. we’ve come to the conclusion of the story; the part we’ve all been anticipating, the kaeseok date. a lot happens this chapter and it may turn out angsty, but the epilogue will clear it all up.

read on with a clear warning that this could get really sad.

The Day Of The Kaeseok Date

Everything seemed to zoom by with a simple blink of an eye. Before anyone was even expecting it, the day of the date had approached. Nearly the entire day, the group had been setting everything up in the backyard - which is where the date was going to be held. Kaesi was the only one who hadn’t known of all the things that were being put together in the back of the house. She was forced to stay indoors with Seokjin, who was helping her pick out her outfit for the date.

So far, the redhead and the pinkette were at a bump in the road when it came to clothing. Since nearly all of the girl’s clothes consisted of flannels, graphic tees and ripped jean shorts, it was hard to find something that was even a least bit acceptable to wear for the date. Even so, the redhead’s nerves were at an all-time high because she wanted to make herself look beyond presentable. After all, the date with Hoseok was a one-time only thing, meaning she had a single night to show the ginger that she loved him and how much she loved him. It was the only night she had the chance to get the boy to love her back; it was the only time she had to finally confess how she truly felt.

That night would change everything.

“Sweetheart, are you sure you have nothing else to wear?” Seokjin asked as he pulled yet another flannel from the girl’s closet. He looked back at the girl, who gave a slight nod of her head. “I don’t know what we’re going to do then,” the pinkette’s lips curved downwards, a frown making its way onto the elder’s lips.

Kaesi heaved out a shaky sigh, her head falling into the palms of her hands. The date hadn’t even officially started and it was already a mess; she didn’t have an outfit that was presentable enough to wear in front of the boy she loved, not to mention her anxiety had gotten high as the time of the date slowly crept up on her. It was supposed to start at seven o’ clock, the current time being five-thirty. Her hair was a mess from constantly running her hands through it in frustration, her face was red and swollen from the stressful tears she shed and to top it all off, she didn’t even have an outfit picked out yet. How she was going to get through the rest of the night in her current condition, the girl hadn’t a clue.

Upon noticing the girl’s slightly shaking shoulders, Seokjin dropped the clothing items in his hands and rushed over to the group, his arms enveloping her in a giant hug. “Don’t cry, Kaesi. We’ll figure something out, okay?” The pinkette’s eyes quickly looked around the room, trying to spot out any item of clothing that he may have missed that could in turn be the girl’s outfit.

While Seokjin’s eyes were roaming around the room, he spotted an unopened looking bag from a store they went to at the mall. The bag looked as though it had been untouched since it was bought; which confused the male since Kaesi wouldn’t just leave an item of clothing in a bag, partially hidden in the corner of the room.

“I may have found something, hang on,” the pinkette detached himself from the girl, his feet quickly moving against the carpeted floor in the direction of the bag. Upon reaching the bag, Seokjin bent down and pulled the item inside of it, out, a small gasp coming from the boy upon seeing the item.

Much to the pinkette’s shock and excitement, the item contained in the bag was a light purple dress. It was plain looking, yet seemed to go with the girl’s not-too-girly personality. There was a black belt that hung around the waist part of the dress, the sleeves being love and the dress seeming like it would reach to the knees. It wasn’t a tight looking dress, it looked loose and seemed to be the perfect size for the girl.

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