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The rest of the group’s shopping day went by quickly after the incident in the first store, Kaesi seeming to act as if nothing happened. She went back to her normal self and talked with the group as if she didn’t almost have a break down in front of the person who created her character, which confused the brunette. Jungkook, of course, refused to say anything to the girl about it or the rest of the group, solely for the reason that he knew Kaesi would’ve said something about it if it really bothered her.

When the group arrived back at the brunette’s house, everyone went their own ways like they had been doing. Only this time, the redhead wasn’t playing any video games. In fact, the girl went straight for the orange ball of fluff instead of the television to play Left 4 Dead. That caught Jungkook off guard, since he knew the girl was practically playing video games all of the time.

“Guys, can you please take your bags to your rooms so they aren’t scattered across the house?” Jungkook asked, partially annoyed at the group that practically tossed their bags on the ground and went back to their normal routines. The brunette then turned to the redhead, whom was carrying her few bags in one hand and the kitten in the other. “Oh and Kaesi, this bag is for you.” He handed the silverfish bag to the girl, whom was completely confused. She opened her mouth to say something back to the elder, but Jungkook had already disappeared in the kitchen by then.

Kaesi frowned, carrying the bags into her shared room as she was asked to do so by the brunette, Hoseok following in suit to place his bags where they belonged. Of their entire shopping spree day, all of the members had about nine new outfits with a few pairs of extra pants / shorts and shirts; including swimwear since the brunette told them of his pool in the backyard.

Inside the kitchen, Jungkook was in the midst of pouring himself a glass of sweet tea - made by Kaesi - while thinking about the events of the day. He was still confused at the redhead’s choice of words when speaking of Jungkook making her a boy instead of a girl. The more the brunette thought about it, the more he realized that he should’ve done so. After all, he made a girl a tomboy and practically look like a male as it was. But thinking of Kaesi being a male just felt off to the brunette, like the idea of her being male just didn’t sit right with him; it wasn’t right.

Of all the characters the brunette created for his array of stories, he knew that making Kaesi a girl was what he was meant to do - no matter how boyish she looked or seemed. She was a girl and she was meant to be a girl; that was that.

“What’s on your mind, Jungkookie?” Taehyung asked as he walked into the kitchen. He had kept a close eye on the brunette the entire day and noticed he seemed a little bit off, like something had upset him or someone said something to him that they shouldn’t have. “You look exhausted, are you okay?”

Taehyung approached the younger boy, looking up at him as if he were examining him to see what was wrong. The blonde, of course, wasn’t dumb. He figured it had something to do with his talk with Kaesi earlier - that he overheard while being nosy and eavesdropping on them. It wasn’t like the blonde meant to do so, he was just near them and heard part of their conversation. Not too much, but enough to know that the redhead was upset about something.

“There’s too much on my mind, Taehyung,” the younger groaned, leaning his head forwards so that it was resting on the blonde’s shoulder. “I tried to help Kaesi out, but I think I made everything worse for her. I just wanted her to know that should could be more girly and get the dress, but she didn’t want to - she said she was meant to be a tomboy. Then said I should’ve just made her a boy.”

At the last sentence, Jungkook felt the blonde tense a bit. Confused, the brunette lifted his head from the elder’s shoulder, looking at the blonde whose face held a nervous expression. Taehyung knew something - something he wasn’t sharing with the brunette.

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