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How and why Jungkook ended up allowing a stray kitten into his house just because a girl wanted it - the brunette hadn’t a clue.  Everyone was back inside his house by this time, all in the living room. Kaesi had the little kitten propped up on her lap; the ball of fluff letting out small mewls here and there. Of all things, why did it have to be a kitten? Jungkook would’ve been fine with a dog or anything else, really. Cats just didn’t seem to like him, so he made the feeling mutual. Although he couldn’t really deny how cute the small fluff ball was.

“Alright, well, if you’re keeping that kitten then we need to go to the store to get the things it needs,” Jungkook spoke up, directing the statement to the redhead. The girl raised her gaze to the brunette, nodding her head to know she heard him and that she agreed. “Okay, well let’s get going now then so we don’t stay out too late. Plus, we don’t know when it has to pee or if it’s thirsty, etc.”

The redheaded nodded her head as she picked up the kitten in her arms and stood up from her seat on the couch. She carried the kitten towards the front door, waiting for everyone else to be ready to go.

“Who wants to go with Kaesi and I to get the things the kitten needs?” Jungkook asked, standing up from his position from the couch and heading to the front door to pick up his keys from the kitchen’s windowsill. “Oh and Seokjin I’ll need to take your van since we’re getting a few things,” the brunette called out as he grabbed the pinkette’s keys off of the counter.

“That’s fine, but don’t go in the trunk!” The pinkette yelled back from the living room. “Also, Joonie and I aren’t going - I will get dinner started for us while you guys are gone.”

The brunette nodded his head, waiting for the others answers. Although he could basically tell by the duo sleeping on the couch, that neither Yoongi nor Jimin were going with them to the pet store. All that was left were Taehyung and Hoseok, whom were already by the door waiting to go.

“Alright, good. We have four people so it’ll be easier to bring the things back inside after we get all of its necessities,” the brunette spoke to himself as he walked towards the front door of the house.

He unlocked the front door and pushed it open for everyone to exit before him, him going out last. With Seokjin’s keys in hand, he unlocked the van for everyone to get inside of the vehicle. Jungkook got in shortly after everyone, Taehyung riding shotgun while the other two stayed in the back with the little kitten.

Jungkook placed the key in its keyhole and twisted it, starting the ignition. The car then started shortly afterwards, the brunette pulling out of his driveway when everyone was set and ready to go.

The drive to the pet store took around twenty minutes, since they got lost once or twice. Since Jungkook had never really been to the pet store, considering he didn’t have any pets, he was a little confused with the directions given to him by his GPS. But, they were able to make it to the store safely and in a decent amount of time, considering the pet store was only ten minutes away from his house.

The group of four piled out of the van and headed into the store, all staying together in their group of four. After all, the brunette was not going to let the redhead and ginger get out of hand buying things for the girl’s kitten. They were only at the store to get it a food bowl, water bowl, litter box, litter, a cat bed, food, maybe some treats and maybe a toy or two. That’s all they were going to the store for.

“We can’t go crazy in here, we are only looking for a few things for it and that’s it,” the brunette spoke to the rest of the group, whom were a little too focused on the orange ball of fluff. Jungkook only sighed in annoyance before walking down one of the aisles in search of the supplies; the rest of group following in suit.

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