twenty one.

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+ note ; hints at my yoonmin fic ‘swings’ in this part ohohoh

Nine Days Until The Kaeseok Date

Panic struck all of their faces as the group was hit with the realization of the missing redhead. Some were confused, as if they didn’t know the redhead was gone in the first place and others showed signs of nothing but pure panic. They felt guilty for not realizing how long the girl had been gone while others didn’t know how to react to the whole situation.

“We have to find her,” Seokjin was the first to break the worrisome silence. “We have to find her now.”

As soon as those words left the eldest’s mouth, the group of seven was quick to pile out of the brunette’s house. All of them worried, all with a different sort of worry settling inside of them. Jungkook was worried of losing one of his characters, Seokjin was worried of losing his sisterly figure, Taehyung was worried of losing one of his closest friends and Hoseok was simply worried about losing a person he cared deeply about. The other three were hard to tell; their expressions held worry but it was far too impossible to sense what type of emotions they were feeling.

The most confusing person’s emotions to tell were Jimin’s; he seemed as though he was unfazed by what was going on. He was definitely confused and worried about the girl, but it seemed as though he was used to this kind of behavior; as if he knew something that nobody else in the group knew of. And for all of the others’ knowledge, Jimin may just know something nobody else does.

“We need to split up in groups to find Kaesi, okay?” Jungkook started off talking as the others around, all with worried expressions. “This town isn’t that big but it isn’t that small either. To find her, we need to split up, okay?” The group nodded, signaling they were following along with the younger boy’s words.

“Okay, Taehyung you’re with me. Seokjin hyung and Namjoon hyung, you two can take hyung’s car and go further into the city. Yoongi hyung and Jimin hyung, I want you two to stay near the house in case she comes back any time we are gone, Hoseok you can take the park that’s not too far from here,” the brunette pulled out his phone from his back pocket, clicking the home button for the time to show up. The time read ‘3:02.’ “You guys have your phones and you should have my number, so call me if you find her.”

The rest of the group nodded, all going their separate ways. Seokjin and Namjoon were quick to hop into the pinkette’s van, driving off towards the busier part near the city. Yoongi and Jimin walked back to the front porch, sitting on a bench to spot the redhead better if she were to walk by or arrive back. Hoseok started walking off towards the park, which was in sight of the brunette’s house. That left Jungkook and Taehyung, who turned around and headed towards the opposite end of the street.

Taehyung immediately clutched onto Jungkook’s arm as they walked down the sidewalk, a frown set on his lips. The sky was covered with clouds, making everything seem grey and darker than it was supposed to be for it being three in the afternoon. Puddles of muddy water were scattered across people’s lawns, some puddles lying out in the street and on the sidewalks. A light breeze blew by every now and then, chilling the air to a feeling of cold that wasn’t meant to be felt on a summer day.

With the worry the group felt, the aura that day was giving off just fell into place with everything else that had been happening. The rain from the previous day scattered all around them looking like leftover tears from a saddened person that couldn’t be strong and hold it all in any longer.

“Don’t worry, we’ll find her,” Jungkook mumbled to the blonde. He unhooked his arm from the elder’s grasp and grabbed onto his hand instead. Jungkook gave a light squeeze to Taehyung’s hand, holding it firmly to show as much comfort as he could to the blonde. “I promise you, we’ll find her.”

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