twenty four.

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+ note ; every time I go to sleep and wake up in the morning, this story’s rank is higher. we’re currently ranked #671 in fanfiction. how? there are so many other stories that are better than this-

also, it seems the end is coming closer than you all think,,

Five Days Until The Kaeseok Date

The following day had been gone by smoothly, the newly gotten-together couple seemingly happier and closer than the previous two days. Everything seemed to be falling in place after that, everyone seemed a lot more cheerful and overall content with everything around them. That being said, there was a certain redhead who was anything but cheerful.

Kaesi hadn’t said a single word since she was found on the swings that one day, it was as if her mind and heart stayed back at the swings while her physical body was back at the brunette’s house. Not that anyone noticed, though. They all seemed to think the redhead’s actions were purely out of her newly founded characteristic of shyness. Nobody expected that there was anything wrong with the girl, not even Seokjin seemed suspicious of the redhead’s actions.

It wasn’t until the redhead hadn’t spoken for a full four days that Jungkook started getting worried. Kaesi had barely even left her shared room with Hoseok; the kitten being the only thing to know how the girl was and what exactly she was feeling. Not even Hoseok, the person she shared a room with, was aware of what was happening to the redhead. After all, she did her best at hiding it by cutting herself off from the rest of the group.

Jungkook, being the worried about the girl, decided to bring it up in conversation while they were all sat in the living room. “Hey guys, have any of you heard from Kaesi? She’s barely left the room and she doesn’t talk to me anymore,” the brunette asked while twirling a strand of Taehyung’s blonde hair around his finger.

The rest of the group seemed to have froze in place upon hearing the younger’s question. Even Taehyung tensed at the question given by the brunette, which both confused and worried him even more. After all, the group’s reaction to the redhead being quiet seemed to come off as a bit odd; they all acted as if they had just been hit with the realization of the redhead’s actions.

“She seemed okay when I left the room earlier,” Hoseok spoke up, gently tapping his finger on his temple as he thought of anything that could’ve signaled the redhead hadn’t felt well. “Hobi was curled at her side and she was fast asleep; she seemed okay to me.”

Jungkook seemed to relax a bit after hearing the ginger say those words; at least the girl seemed okay. The last thing the brunette wanted was for the girl to feel misplaced again and want to erase herself from his story. Speaking of, the brunette was a bit curious as to what he wrote on the sheet of paper that night before the group arrived. Whatever was written on that paper could be some sort of signal that gave him a better view on how to get Hoseok and Kaesi together. Although, the more and more he though about it, the more he didn’t think that forcing the two together was the way to go. After all, it’s their lives, not his.

“What’s on your mind, Jungkookie?” Taehyung lifted one of his fingers up, using it poke the brunette’s cheek. When the brunette was brought back to his senses, he noticed everyone went back to doing their own thing; each of them seemed to look more relaxed knowing that the redhead was doing okay. “You look really concentrated on whatever is going on in your mind.”

Jungkook ran his hand through the blonde’s hair, a faint grin visible at the corners of his lips. “Nothing too important, Taehyungie,” the brunette ruffled the blonde’s hair in the slightest. “I just hope Kaesi really is okay, I don’t want her being sad and feeling left out again.”

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