
12.6K 810 702

The sun was beating down on the group of eight that were outside in Jungkook’s backyard, ready to cool themselves off with the water in the pool. First and foremost, though, the group of eight needed sunscreen and lots of it - especially Kaesi since she was the palest amongst the entire group, Namjoon being the tannest of the group.

“Alright guys, before anyone steps foot in that pool and before anyone burns - especially you, Kaesi,” Jungkook shifted his gaze to the redhead who was trying to pull her flannel out of Hoseok’s grasp. “You guys need to put some sunscreen on, okay? I may be the second youngest but I care about you guys and don’t want you getting skin cancer - if that’s even possible for my story characters.”

With that being said, the group began applying the sunscreen to their skin, starting off with the palest member being first and the tannest being last, since that was a good way to stop the paler ones of the group from burning. After all, having a group of sunburned story characters probably wasn’t the brightest thing the brunette could let happen.

Once everyone was lathered up in the sunscreen, they were free to go and do whatever they wanted. Seokjin and Namjoon decided to enter the pool first, just letting their bodies soak in the water. Yoongi was sitting on a folding chair underneath a tented-up area that allowed shade while Jimin and Taehyung were quick to jump in the pool, splashing Namjoon and Seokjin in the process. Kaesi was too busy trying to steal her flannel back from Hoseok to get in the pool yet, while Jungkook just watched his friends with a small smile on his lips.

Jungkook watched as Kaesi finally got her flannel back after a long tug-of-war game with Hoseok. Kaesi, upset that she had been exposed for quite some time without her flannel on, decided to push the ginger into the pool. Hoseok was quick to react though, and grabbed the redhead’s hand, pulling her in with him. The splash they created was a bigger than the one Jimin and Taehyung created earlier. In fact, it was such a big splash that it got both Yoongi and Jungkook wet from the water.

Yoongi glared at the duo before getting out of his seat and making his way towards the pool to get the two back for getting him wet. However, when the ravenette reached the edge of the pool and bent down in waiting for them to come up from underneath the water, Jimin grabbed onto the ravenette’s wrist, pulling him into the water as well. Seokjin and Namjoon laughed at the sight of an angry Yoongi coming up from underneath the water.

“Park Jimin, I’m going to kill you,” the ravenette glared at the silver haired boy before jumping on him, taking him underneath the water with him. The two were underwater for a few moments before they resurfaced, Jimin having a wide smile on his lips when they resurfaced.

“Oh tell me you two did not just kiss underneath the water,” Seokjin looked over at the two, Jimin’s wide smile never faltering from his face as he ran a hand through his hair, to push it back. “Oh god,” the pinkette mumbled.

Taehyung got out of the pool and headed towards the brunette, who hadn’t even taken a step into his own pool yet - which was slightly confusing to the blonde boy. The blonde approached Jungkook, slinging an arm over the younger’s shoulder as he grinned up at him with his wide, boxy shaped grin plastered on his lips.

“Why haven’t you gone in yet, Jungkookie? It’s hot out here; you should enjoy the pool with us,” the blonde grabbed ahold of the younger’s arm, giving it a slight tug towards the pool. “Come on, Jungkookie, don’t be stubborn,” Taehyung teased, letting out a short laugh at his own comment.

Jungkook rose an eyebrow at the blonde, who was too busy laughing at his own comment to notice the look the brunette was giving him. “I’m being stubborn, are I?” The brunette asked in a deeper voice.

Taehyung stopped laughing almost immediately, eyes glued to the brunette and his ever move. After the younger’s voice lowered a bit in pitch, the blonde hadn’t a clue what to do. He didn’t know if he upset the brunette or what, it was kind of hard to tell from the emotionless-looking expression the younger was holding.

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