twenty two.

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+ note ; this fic is now ranked #916 in fanfiction. that’s such an accomplishment i don’t know what to say. if this story were to rank even higher, i would probably cry in all honesty. you guys have done so much for me, thank you so much for that.

there is one sentence in this part that puts this entire story to an end; this certain sentence gives it all away. if you spot that sentence, you’ll just have to put the other missing pieces together and boom; this story is solved. it’s like a mystery, this story.

Seven Days Until The Kaeseok Date

Two days had passed since Jungkook kissed Taehyung. The aftermath of the kiss left the two on not-speaking terms. Neither of them knew what to say to the other about it, so they just stopped talking. The rest of the group were in pure shock at the kiss; not even Jimin expected that to happen and he’s been keeping tabs on anything and everything going on. It was confusing, all of it was confusing.

So, as the two were not speaking to each other, their skinship and everything stopped in the process. Taehyung no longer clung to the brunette, he didn’t hold his hand or sleep with him anymore - the blonde decided to sleep in the shared room with Hoseok and Kaesi. The kiss separated the two in a way that neither had planned or expected. Even the kiss itself were unplanned, Jungkook just had to confirm his feelings through the kiss.

Since the brunette wasn’t an expert with love and things involving love, the only way for Jungkook to work with his feelings were to kiss the blonde. That of course, confirmed nothing. Whether it because the blonde pulled away too quickly or that everyone’s eyes were on them; something about the kiss didn’t make the brunette feel anything. In fact, he barely felt the blonde’s soft lips against his own, like he did when Taehyung kissed his cheek. Something about the kiss wasn’t right and Jungkook didn’t know what that was, but the brunette wanted to fix it. He couldn’t force himself to have feelings for the blonde but simply not feeling anything during the kiss wasn’t right. There must’ve been something he didn’t do right.

In the present time, Jungkook was seated on the couch, Taehyung on the furthest couch away, keeping his distance from the younger. The brunette would glance over at the blonde every now and then to see if Taehyung was looking back at him but every time he glanced over in that direction, the blonde’s gaze was set directly on the television. Taehyung was more focused on the video game Kaesi and Hoseok were playing, rather than the brunette that kept sending glances in his direction.

Taehyung, of course, wasn’t dumb. He could feel the brunette’s eyes land on him every now and then, he just played it off as if it was nothing. After all, the blonde was just as confused as the brunette. Although his confusion came more from why he had been kissed by the person he had such strong feelings for. Part of him thought it was all some sort of messed up joke, that the younger wanted to toy with his feelings but Taehyung knew better than that. He knew that Jungkook had no experience with any sort of feelings towards another person, so he knew the younger wasn’t acting that way on purpose. That didn’t stop the deep ache he felt in his heart at the thought of Jungkook not truly harboring feelings for him. After all, he held so deep of feelings for the brunette you could almost call it love; yet he was unsure of that just yet.

Jimin, who had been watching the brunette take glances at the blonde, was on the brink of exploding. He couldn’t just sit there and watch as his best friend and the person who created him, drift away from each other because of a small kiss. The silver haired boy wanted everything to be solved so the plot could continue on as it should have been going.

“That’s it,” the silver haired boy stood up from his seat on the ravenette’s lap, pulling Yoongi up with him. He then turned his gaze to Jungkook, who looked up at him with a confused expression. “You and Tae,” Jimin looked over at the blonde, whose cheeks were a light rosy shade, “are going to end this because I am tired of you two ignoring each other. Come on, Yoongi hyung. Let’s lock them up.”

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