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The group of five arrived outside a small store that held a bunch of party items inside. Why the need to go to such a place for a simple date, Jungkook hadn’t a clue but he refused to speak a word of it to the others. After all, he believed in them and that they knew exactly what to do. They were more experienced with relationships than he was, so he went with the flow of things and just tagged along inside.

As soon as they entered the party store, Hoseok and Seokjin went their own way together. Jimin left not too long after in search of the other two, leaving Jungkook with the excited blonde boy. Taehyung grabbed onto the younger boy’s forearm and began dragging him down one of the aisles full of party supplies, the brunette not doing or saying anything to stop the older boy - he was just going with the flow of things.

Taehyung pulled Jungkook around the left corner of the aisle, ultimately dragging him into the next aisle over. The aisle they ended up in had a multitude of color-coordinated party outfits and extras. The colors were ordered from red to pink, in a rainbow sort of fashion. The colors were bright amongst the black t-shirt Jungkook was currently wearing. They were a little too bright in his opinion, but he was too amused by the excited blonde’s reaction to everything, to say anything bad about the selection of colors.
“Here Jungkookie, put this on,” the blonde grinned widely at the brunette as he handed him a purple feathered boa and a bunny ear headband. “They’re in my current favorite color, so you should wear them! You’ll look cute in purple,” Taehyung seemed to completely block out the fact he just called the younger cute, although his cheeks were proof of what had just been said.

With his cheeks a light shade of a rosy color, the brunette grabbed the items held out in front of him and put them on – the boa first then the bunny ears headband being placed carefully on the top of his head. Taehyung grinned at the outcome of the younger’s outfit, before noticing something was missing. He turned around and grabbed something off of the shelf containing purple items.

Once the item he wanted was in his hands, he turned back to face the confused brunette. He held out a pair of purple, diamond-shaped sunglasses out for the younger to take. Without questioning the elder boy, he grabbed the sunglasses from his hands and placed them over his eyes, making everything a bit darker for him - since they were indoors and he was silly enough to go along with whatever the blonde had in mind for them to do.

“Taehyung?” Jungkook questioned to the blonde, whom was further down the aisle looking at red-based costume items. The brunette made his way down the colorful aisle until he was right next to the blonde, peeking over his shoulder to see exactly what he was looking at. “Why exactly do I have these things on?”

Taehyung lifted his gaze to the younger boy – whom just noticed the elder had a cat ear headband placed on the top of his head. The blonde lifted the item in his hand and dangled it in front of the younger’s face instead of answering the question given to him. Jungkook was utterly confused as to why they were putting on the items but Taehyung didn’t seem to want to tell the brunette the reason, so he didn’t exactly know what else to say - he decided to just go with the flow of things like he did earlier.

“We’re at a party store, Jungkookie,” the blonde pointed out as he placed a red scarf around his neck. “And we’re young - we have to enjoy our lives and do silly things like these,” the blonde grinned widely at the younger as his cheeks were tinted with a very faint rosy color - one unseen by the younger because of the sunglasses propped up on the bridge of his nose.

Jungkook’s mouth formed an ‘o’ shape before he nodded his head, starting to understand the elder boy’s logic. He was right, after all. They were still young and full of life and mischief - they were still allowed to do reckless things and simply enjoy life to its fullest. That’s not something the brunette really knew how to do because most of his time was spent up in his room, writing story after story. He rarely ever had time for himself to do things that were fun. Not that he disliked to write or anything, because he didn’t, but sometimes he just wished he was given more of an opportunity to do things outside of his house and have a bit more excitement in his life.

writer | taekookWhere stories live. Discover now