twenty three.

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+ note ; this story reached #810 in fanfiction im crying bye

Seven Days Until The Kaeseok Date

After the brunette’s feelings were confirmed, he was at a loss of what he should do. He knew that he loved the elder boy, he knew that. The only thing he didn’t know was how he was how to deal with the situation after that. Should he tell the blonde, or wait? Should he ask Taehyung to be his boyfriend? The last thought sounded a bit weird since the blonde was a character created by the brunette, yet the thought of Taehyung being his boyfriend sounded so right, like that was meant to be.

Jungkook sighed as he ran one his hands through the blonde strands of Taehyung’s hair, the softness calming his nervousness down a bit. Taehyung, whom was laying in between the younger’s legs, head rested against Jungkook’s shoulder, lifted his gaze to the brunette’s with a look of confusion on his face.

“What’s wrong, Jungkookie?” The blonde asked, resting his head on the younger’s shoulder so he continue to gaze at the brunette. How they ended up being in that position, Taehyung hadn’t a clue. But after they kissed earlier, they simply drew closer to each other. Neither wanted to leave the other’s side.

Jungkook’s lips curved upwards at the sight of the blonde so close to his body; it was something that he never really knew he needed until he met Taehyung. “Nothing, Taehyungie,” the brunette mumbled before sliding his hand down from the blonde’s hair, to the side of his face to cup his cheek.

The brunette’s thumb glided over the base of Taehyung’s cheek in a soothing way, a content sigh escaping the elder’s lips. Jungkook leaned his head down, placing a gentle kiss on the blonde’s lips before pulling away and leaning his forehead against Taehyung’s.

“Taehyungie?” The brunette mumbled against the blonde’s lips. “I know this isn’t the most romantic way to ask this, but we all know I’m good with those things,” Jungkook continued to soothingly rub his thumb against the base of the blonde’s cheek, Taehyung not being able to wipe the silly grin off of his face. “What I’m trying to say is, would you maybe, um, be my b-boyfriend?”

Taehyung, being too full of excitement of Jungkook’s question, quickly wrapped his arms around the younger’s neck, pulling the brunette down for another kiss; that one being full passion and love. The brunette smiled into the kiss, his cheeks tinted with a light rosy shade.

When Taehyung pulled away from the kiss, the grin on his face widened into his unique shaped smile that seemed to melt Jungkook’s heart every time he seen it. “Of course I will Jungkookie,” the blonde’s eyes were clouded with tears, yet the tears weren’t those of something saddening. In fact, Taehyung was anything but sad at that point. He was the happiest he’s ever been at that very moment in time; everything seemed to be falling in his favor for once.

Finally, Taehyung wasn’t the lonely one in Jungkook’s story. He had finally found the person that he always wanted to have; he was finally able to say that he had someone to cuddle with all night, talk about random things with, hold hands, and just be cute overall with. Finally, the blonde was able to have the lost feeling of love filled up; his heart was full to the brim the love and adoration Jungkook felt and gave to him. He was finally happy.

On the brunette’s end, he was beyond happy. After going nearly his entire life without feeling any sort of romantic feelings towards another person, Jungkook met the love of his life through a character he created. While that may seem weird or something like that, it wasn’t that way for Jungkook. The more and more he thought about Taehyung, it was as if he made him for himself; Jungkook made Taehyung for himself, for him to have someone to love and care about. And being able to actually be with the blonde gave him feelings that he didn’t know were possible for him to have.

With the door still being locked and the two comfortable in their positions, Taehyung and Jungkook managed to fall asleep in each other’s arms. Jungkook was laying against the headboard, the blonde’s position changing so he was back between the younger’s legs, head laying against his chest with a blanket covering their sleeping bodies. Jungkook had an arm wrapped around the elder, holding him as tight as he could because if he let go, he was afraid he would wake up and the blonde would no longer be with him.

Even though they just got into an actual relationship, the feelings they held for each other were there longer than either expected. They were in love with each other, far before either of them knew. That, of course, only added on to how much they needed to be by each other’s side. Taehyung needed to be with Jungkook just as much as Jungkook needed to be with him. Separating the two was something that neither of them wanted to happen. They were too content with where they were and the closeness they shared.

As the two were fast asleep, the chair was removed from outside the brunette’s room. The door was slowly slid open, revealing the two who were fast asleep in each other’s arms. The person standing in the doorway’s lips curved upwards, a few tears spilling from the corners of their eyes. They quietly closed the door before walking away with a wide smile plastered on their lips.

“Kaesi, are you okay?” Seokjin asked upon seeing the redhead with tearstained cheeks. The redhead didn’t answer, however. Her mind was focused on a single thing, which kept the smile on her lips as a real one and not a fake one.

At least they found love.

+ note ; i have work now so this is short and shitty but i tried.

also, no kaesi doesn’t like / love jungkook or taehyung. her tears come from the plot at the end of this story and the fact she doesn’t get to receive the love from the person she loves.

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