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+ note ; hmm,, foreshadowing?

After a thirty minute drive, the group arrived back at the brunette’s house with the items they bought from the party store packed away in the trunk. Jungkook wasn’t exactly told what the group purchased from the store; all he knew is that they got quite a few things, which was good considering they had a longer amount of time to completely decide on the date idea. That, and the brunette was a little bit excited to get his characters together and finish his story. Once his story was complete, he would’ve officially wrote his first romance novel and he was excited about that.

Upon arriving back at the youngest boy’s house, the group piled out of the van, leaving the bought supplies in the trunk of Seokjin’s van. Jungkook walked up to the front door of his house, setting the key in the keyhole and unlocking the door, carefully twisting the knob open and pushing the door so the group could enter his house - which was surprisingly quiet.

There were no sounds of a video game being played, no sounds of anyone talking or anything like that. In fact, the only sounds the brunette heard were the sounds of loud snoring. Confused, the brunette stepped into his house and looked to the right - in the direction of the living room - to see the television was shut off. Jungkook walked closer into the living room, noticing two sleeping bodies taking up two of the sofas.

Yoongi was curled up on the furthest couch, almost making him look like a kitten from the way his body was curled up. On the other couch, Namjoon was laying half-on and half-off of the furniture, his mouth agape as loud snores were erupting from him. Everything seemed fine, the two were just taking a nap, which meant nothing was burnt down or destroyed - everything seemed to be in place. Well, except a certain redhead was missing.

“Guys, where’s Kaesi?” Taehyung asked, peeking his head over the brunette’s shoulder to look at the two sleeping bodies and missing redhead. “Wasn’t she playing video games before we left?” The blonde turned his head a bit and looked up at the brunette - whose face was quick to distort into one of worry.

The brunette’s eyes widened a fraction, noticing the presence of the quiet redhead was absent. He was to quick to shake the sleeping body of Namjoon awake, in case he knew anything. After all, both Namjoon and Yoongi were supposed to keep an eye out on her while they were gone - not that she was a child who was in need of care but because Kaesi was a very curious person who often went places and did things purely out of curiosity. And you know what they say about that - curiosity killed the cat.

Namjoon was quick to wake up - sitting up, as he was alarmed by the violent shaking of his body. His gaze was focused on the group of four - Jimin went to wake up Yoongi - all senses of alarm in his body calming down, a loud yawn escaping past his lips.

“Oh, you guys are back,” the green haired male smiled up at his pink haired boyfriend, only for Seokjin to cross his arms over his chest and glare down at the younger. “Why are you looking at me like that, Jinnie?”

Seokjin took a step closer to Namjoon, uncrossing of his arms to smack the green haired male upside the head. “How could you guys just sleep and lose her? You know she’s a very curious person! Who knows what she could’ve gotten into!”

Namjoon rose an eyebrow in confusion at his boyfriend’s words before looking around the living room. He noticed the room was exceptionally quiet and a certain redhead was nowhere to be seen in the room. He gulped, knowing he was going to be hearing an earful from the pinkette because they forgot to keep an eye on the redheaded girl.

While Seokjin began to scold the green haired male, Jungkook was quick to start looking through all of the rooms in his house for her. The front door was locked when they arrived, which meant she was somewhere in the house. The only struggle is figuring out exactly where she was at.

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