twenty five.

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+ note ; i don’t even know what to say anymore; this is ranked #604 in fanfiction. all i can really say is that i am oh so thankful for all the support this story receives. we get so many votes, reads, comments; i don’t know what to say anymore but thank you.

song for this chapter; tell her you love her by echosmith

ship moments ahead !!

Five Days Until The Kaeseok Date

With the warmth of day fading away and sun at its final stage of setting, the end of an extraordinary day for the group had arrived. That day consisted of blaring loud music through a set of speakers the brunette owned, Seokjin cooking food on the grill and the group overall enjoying each other’s company and the day all in its own. That day above all of the others had been the greatest so far; everyone seemed to let go of their worries and just enjoyed themselves and each other.

It was as the sun was setting, that Jungkook realized how much the group of seven meant to him. Each and every single person that he spent that day with, were special to him. He realized that he wouldn’t know what he’d be able to do if he just woke up one day and they all disappeared. They found themselves a special place in the younger’s heart, a place that will hold and cherish them until the very end.

“Jungkook-ah, can you help me set the fireworks up?”

The brunette nearly forgot about the fireworks he found his garage earlier in the day. He figured setting off the few he had wasn’t going to be much of a harm, not to mention that it was going to be the greatest end for the greatest day the brunette had ever experienced in his life. Just letting go of all of his problems and struggles while spending quality time with the people he cared the most about was all the brunette could ever ask for in any sort of happiness.

“Sure, hyung!” The brunette exclaimed as he made is way over to the pinkette, who was holding onto a small box of fireworks in his arms.

Upon reaching Seokjin, Jungkook grabbed the box out of the oldest boy’s grasp. The brunette tore open the box, careful not to break the explosives in the process. Once the box was opened, he set the stand that held the fireworks in the grass, placing the fireworks onto the stand to hold them up tightly and securely. Everything seemed to be in check; the fireworks in place and everybody seemed to be at a safe distance for the explosives to be lit and set off into the sky.

Jungkook reached into his back pocket and pulled out the small, black lighter that he found earlier in the day somewhere in the garage. He turned his head in the direction of the group, gaze set on the seven. “You know, my eomma always said fireworks can be a symbol of love and that if you truly love a person, you’ll kiss them under the fireworks,” the brunette directed his attention onto the blonde as he finished speaking his sentence.

Taehyung’s cheeks heated up, tinting them a light rosy color. He brought both of his hands to the sides of his face to cover his red cheeks, the fabric of Jungkook’s grey hoodie covering the blonde’s hands as he did so. The brunette’s lips curved upwards at the sight of the blushing blonde in his sweatshirt - it was one of the cutest things he had ever seen, and to think that the blonde was his boyfriend, made Jungkook’s heart flutter in the slightest.

The brunette turned his attention back to the fireworks stationed in front of him. He flicked the lighter a few times until the small flame appeared. Then, he brought the lit flame to the fireworks, placing the heat under each individual one, trying his best to make sure they were all lit before taking his finger off of the button, the flame disappearing.

Quickly, Jungkook rushed back to the rest of the group, taking his place in the spot next to Taehyung. He wrapped an arm around the blonde’s shoulder, pulling him closer to his body. The blonde snuggled into the brunette’s side, leaning his head on the younger’s shoulder as his gaze was set on the sky, waiting for the fireworks to explode and fly off into the darkness of the night sky before slowly disappearing like they had never even been present.

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