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+ note ; this is the official end of  ‘writer.’ there could be some angst in here, but this is the revelation to the plot that nobody will be expecting. you all thought that the last chapter was the plot twist, yet that ending seemed a little too likely for my taste. the ending that is coming up in this epilogue is the ending i had been hinting at over and over. jimin even said something about it, yet it was overlooked. nobody is expecting this to end how it will and i promise you, you may just hate me for making you cry last chapter than giving you this.

oh and this is a happy-ending story. as you will find out as you read on. now, i won’t give any spoilers out but know something involving your favorite redhead is all connected to the plot.

Two Years Later

How he managed to continue on with his life after he found out his characters had to go back to the story world, the brunette hadn’t a clue. Every single day for the past two years were filled with random moments where the brunette would just think about the group and just let out even more of the emotions he felt after the loss of his loved ones. That being said, the brunette wasn’t completely alone. After the day that the group all left, Jungkook decided he was going to keep Hobi in memory of Kaesi.

However, Taehyung seemed to be the main thing always on his mind the past years. He hasn’t been able to write another story after the romance one, afraid that if he did and the characters came back, that he would just get even more depressed if and when they had to leave again. The brunette even lost contact with everyone else outside of his family after the incident. He was just too afraid to meet someone and possibly fall in love with them, only for everything to flip upside down and them have to leave.

Losing Taehyung was the hardest thing the brunette had ever went through and from that day forth, he promised not to let another person capture his heart the way the blonde did. And he had done well at that, too. Jungkook only had to isolate himself more than he did before. The only times he ever really left his house was if he had go and get more groceries or if he needed to buy things for Hobi - who was no longer the little kitten that used to fit inside the pocket of Kaesi’s flannels. He was an actual cat now, one who was always there to cheer the brunette up when he would remember something about the group and bring back all of the heartfelt and heart wrenching memories shared between them.

On the current day, the brunette had just been laying in bed, thinking things over. Hobi was curled up at his side, watchful over the brunette in case he needed to step in at any given moment to make the boy feel better than he did before. However, Jungkook wasn’t necessarily in the mood to just cry it out that day. His mind was just wandering to all of the memories he shared with the group - all of which seemed to lead back to the blonde with the unique smile that Jungkook loved.

Oh how the brunette missed waking up every single morning with the blonde’s head laying on his chest and snuggled up against his side. He missed the little kisses shared between the two and the touch of the blonde’s hand in his own. Every little thing Taehyung did affected Jungkook in such a way that he could never forget it, even if he tried. Taehyung was like a sickness to him; as badly as he wanted to get over it and be healthy again, he just couldn’t. The blonde was the sort of sickness that once it enters your system, there’s no hope for you.

Taehyung was the deadly type of sickness and Jungkook was just the victim waiting for his deadline to arrive.

The brunette sighed, the mere thought of Taehyung bringing tears to his eyes again for probably the fifth time that day. Hobi noticed the change in the brunette’s mood as well, for the cat removed himself from the boy’s side and pattered his paws to the side of the brunette’s head. The cat nuzzled himself against Jungkook’s neck, licking the boy’s cheek whenever he felt the need to try and comfort him.

writer | taekookWhere stories live. Discover now