Instagram // Harry

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Props to Josh for helping me choose the perfect dress @zerkaahd

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Props to Josh for helping me choose the perfect dress @zerkaahd

liked by wroetoshaw, zerkaahd, and 12,201 others

Private message from wroetoshaw!!

wroetoshaw: hey, what's up. That dress looks nice on you. Also didn't know you knew my friend Josh.

alyantics: yeah we're best friends actually.

wroetoshaw: oh didn't show anyone those messages did you?

alyantics: well I mean, Josh asked to see them and I wasn't gonna turn him down.

wroetoshaw: oh my, Josh is gonna kill me.

alyantics: look, I told him not to.

wroetoshaw: are you sure?

alyantics: of course.

wroetoshaw: ok...

alyantics: Harry, have you ever had sex before?

wroetoshaw: I

alyantics: then listen to me ok, your message the other day is probably just built up sexual tension and could be directed towards any really pretty girl. If you just wanna say stuff sometimes go ahead. I honestly don't mind.

wroetoshaw: are you sure? Because what if Josh gets more mad.

alyantics: then I won't show him the messages and he won't have to worry. So go ahead, say what you want to.

wroetoshaw: I don't have anything to say right now, but I'll keep what you said in mind. Thank you.

alyantics: you're welcome, trust me Josh will not hurt you.

But somehow Harry just didn't believe that.

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