irl // everyone pt. 1

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 [ alyssa's pov ]

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[ alyssa's pov ]

my eyes flutter open as i feel warmth from a body next to me.

"i didn't think you would be up anytime soon, you looked pretty out of it when harry brought you over here." tobi says as i look over to him, startled by his presence.

"yeah, i guess i was."

he gets up from the bed as he files through his wardrobe to find some tracksuit bottoms so he's no walking around in only boxers.

"alyssa, i made you some breakfast if you want some. the eggs are still on the stovetop."

that's so nice of him.

i slide out from under the covers as my feet hit the floor, the brisk air attacking my bare legs.

"thank you for everything you've done for me."

he turns around with a little smile as he plops a shirt on the table beside him, not bothering to put it on yet.

"it's never a problem, not for you at least." he says as he pulls me into a tight hug. "i'll be out to the gym and the supermarket today, do you think you'll be ok by yourself?"

"yeah, i'll be ok."

"i'll be back for the onesie party at 19:00, stay away from social media besides like snapchat. i'd hate to see you sad again, especially since you're gorgeous when you're happy. there's chicken salad sandwiches in the refrigerator for lunch and call chip if you need anything."

i can feel the vibrations of his voice as he talks with his arms still wrapped around me.

"ok, thank you."

i can feel myself smile as he rubs my back continuing to talk about when to call and who to call if i need anything, but to also feed his dog since manny is away.

"alright, if you get hurt call chipper. he will be here all day, then while he's making sure you're ok if it's serious i will stop whatever i'm doing and come back."

his heart beats at a steady pace as my breathing syncs with the rhythm his heart makes. his warm bare chest making me never want to leave his warm hug.

"Blonde Cal will be over later to get some breakfast, just to let you know."

tobi removes his arms from me as the cold air hits my short frame once again.

"ok, i'll be ok. don't worry." i say looking at him with a slight smile hoping he doesn't worry about me too much.

"alright, i'll be back in about 4 hours."

he throws on a hooded jumper as he grabs his keys, closing the door behind him.


"see you later cal! tell the others i said hello."

"will do, enjoy that pizza!"

cal shut the door behind him as he leaves the house at about 12:00 pm.

just as the door closes, it opens once again with chris standing at the door.

"alyssa?" he asks obviously quite surprised to see me at tobi's flat.

"c-chris?" i ask with the same surprising face.

"what are you doing at tobi's flat?"

"i passed out in cal's flat and harry brought me here."

i don't want to sound to suspect as to lead him that me being over here has anything to do with him or the hate i've been getting.

"you should've called me, but i'm glad you're ok. where's tobes?"

"he's out at the gym, so i've been here by myself minus the brief visit from calfreezy."

chris looks at me with a smirk on his face as he grabs hold of my lower abdominal region and pressing me up against the wall in the hallway.

"it's just....we haven't a little know. i......i've missed you......all of you." chris says taking pauses to attack my neck with love bites.

"all of me huh?"

"every. single. last. drop."


it's been about 15 minutes since chris has left so i decided to make some lunch, so when tobi gets back he won't have to make an merging himself.

tripping over the barstool at the corner of the minibar, i fall the the ground with a thud and a crack.


i can feel the gut splitting pain racing through my left ankle as i look around for my phone to try and call chipper.

i slide my body across the floor to get to the bedroom whilst my ankle is pulsating in complete and utter pain.

dialling chipper-dipper 💕


"chipple, i-i need you to come to the flat now, i-my's-"

"speak no more, i am on my way."

the phone cuts off as i lean back on the wall hearing the door bust open, revealing a very disheveled looking chip.

"alyssa? are you ok?"

he comes around the corner to find me sitting against the wall, holding my left ankle.

rip left ankle 2k17

"jesus fucking christ? how did you even get bruises on your- oh i want you to tell me truthfully. are you having an affair with tobi?"

"NO! you best believe i am not!"

"ok 'harry' calm down now." chip says in a slightly sarcastic sense. "who gave them to you then, you know the hickeys."

"i know what you're talking about chip, and it was chris, he left about 15 minutes ago. now please can i get some help?"

"yeah, right sorry."

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