skype // josh

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11 missed calls from ZRK

ZRK: alyssa please

ZRK: please hop on skype.

ZRK: you're not answering any of my actual phone calls or texts

ZRK: alyssa, are you mad?

ZRK: alyssa...please answer me

ZRK: i know how you get, please answer me

alyantics: josh, stop messaging me. i don't want to talk to you. i'm with tobi right now.

alyantics: no i'm not mad, i'm disheartened by you. stop messaging me.

ZRK: i can't, you're not talking to me and i want to know why.

alyantics: no josh, leave me alone alright. we can talk later ok? i just, i can't right now.

ZRK: alyssa wait

alyantics is offline, 15:33 pm


alyantics is calling 22:01

Her face pops up on the screen as you can see her tear stained cheeks. Along with a Tobi walking out of her room with a small wave and a blanket in his hand

"Hey Josh." she says with portions of her hair being slowly tucked behind her ears.

"Were you crying? Why were you crying?"

"You really don't know, do you?"

"Honestly, I don't, please tell me so i can fix it."

"You wanna know? Well here's what you did, you said I was nothing and I meant nothing to you at all over a social media platform before thousands of people! Then you let your girlfriend continue to harass me and call me nothing along with your fans because they back her up! Because obviously letting your best friend be hurt just to please your girlfriend was very important to you Josh......"

By now tears were flowing down her face and she was sniffling so much you couldn't tell she was even breathing. I feel guilty, because I did do that. I did it without thinking.

"So i've been beating myself up and telling myself that i've done something wrong because my best friend would never tell me i was nothing unless i actually was. So you know what? If I mean so little to you that it's actually nothing at all maybe we just shouldn't talk anymore."

I again was left speechless by her words and the saddening look on her face that could make literally anyone feel guilty.

"Do you want me to apologise?"

"I don't know Josh, apparently i don't mean anything to you so don't waste your time. Bye Josh."



Then her camera turned off and she ended the call. I fucked up, like majorly.

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