instagram // harry

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in before it gets too hot to wear this coat

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in before it gets too hot to wear this coat.
📸 @chrismd

liked by wroetoshaw, chrismd, and 291,000 others

freyanightingale: oh come on, don't be that much of a hoe to where you have to expose yourself. i don't even need to expose you, you do it yourself.

wroetoshaw: this is a very pretty picture of you.

vikkstar123: the cutest

dreamyminter: omg slay the game girl

okzerkaa: she's not slaying anything @dreamyminter. she's sucking i can tell you that. she tried to hook up with josh while they were drunk but josh stayed strong and said no which is why freya hates her.

dreamyminter: oh wow really? i guess she's even more of a hoe than i thought. damn she's not staying then.

okzerkaa: i wish chris would break up with her, he deserves better than some slag. #breakupchrissa

dreamyminter: #breakupchrissa

babybehz: #breakupchrissa

eventually #breakupchrissa, chrissa being chris and alyssa's ship name got trending on twitter.

alyssa was in a pit of sadness and didn't seem to be finding a way out, just digging a deeper hole for herself, so she sat in her flat, on the bed, all by herself.

she laid back with a sigh as she hears a knock on the front door.

"i just lied down, come on!"

she hears the door unlock and someone walk inside. the only other person than herself that has a key is tobi.

"alyssa? i came to get tobi's sidemen jumper. are you here?"

it's harry.

she doesn't say anything as he opens her bedroom door.

"good thing i wasn't naked." she says as harry jumps not expecting her to be there.

alyssa sits up and looks at him with raised eyebrows.

"god you scared me? why are you just sitting ik the dark, with cal's sadness playlist going?"

"just going through it i guess....... i don't know what i'm doing harry, my instagram comments are ridiculous. have you seen the 5th most trending thing in the uk? it's a hashtag trying to break up chris and i."

"i'm sorry."

"it's not your fault harry. it's just not. i just can't find a way to fix all of this. because apparently according to josh's girlfriend freya, i tried to hookup with him. which isn't true in the slightest. maybe i need a break harry, maybe i don't deserve chris and maybe i am actually just a dirty slag."

alyssa was on the brink of tears at this point and harry could clearly tell.

"nononono please don't cry." harry says climbing onto the bed enveloping her small frame into a tight hug, forgetting about his sexual desires for the girl needing his comfort in this very moment.

"what am i supposed to do harry?"

"i don't know love, i don't know."

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