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vikkstar123 reblogged your post "take me back to the beach please" take me with you

vikkstar123 reblogged your post "take me back to the beach please" take me with you

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private messages

vikkstar123: hey, wanna hang out today
vikkstar123: alyssa?

alyantics: vik do not message me or talk to me for the next 2 weeks

vikkstar123: wait why?

alyantics: you ruined my relationship, well so did chris and it might be partially my fault but you fucked it completely

vikkstar123: wait he broke up with you?

alyantics: yeah that's what i just said.

vikkstar123: i'm so sorry, i didn't mean to ruin your relationship. i didn't know this would happen.

alyantics: i know you didn't, or you wouldn't have done it. it is what it is vik.

vikkstar123: i really am sorry, how can i make it up to you?

alyantics: you can't, just give me some time before we talk again vik. i told you everything about me about my past even about my boyfriend who i love and adore. i shouldn't have led you on, but i didn't even think that i was.

vikkstar123: you weren't that's the thing, it's just....i liked you a lot. i just thought maybe i could sway you. it was selfish.

alyantics: so what? just outta nowhere you decide i'm gonna kiss the girl in a serious relationship who just considers me a friend? really vik?

vikkstar123: yeah i'm sorry i know, i wasn't thinking about it i just acted upon it.

alyantics: look i gotta go, don't bother trying to contact me again until i contact you. josh is trying to order a pizza for me.

vikkstar123: oh....ok....

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