irl // everyone pt. 2

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[ alyssa's pov ]

"chip, i'm ok it's just a sprain."

"yeah but-"

"i am ok, you called tobi right?"

" second."

he turns around placing the phone to his ear.

"turning around doesn't do anything, i can still hear you chip."

i can hear snippets of tobi yelling 'chip you had one job' and other worried yells.

"he's on his way."

chip looks at me with a nervous smile before slumping down in the nearby chair.


"oh my god you have a cast on your leg, chip what did you do?!?" Tobi exclaims frantically as he runs over holding my cheeks in his hands, moving my head back and forth quite quickly.

"tobi...tobi honey. he didn't do anything, i just fell alright. i'm perfectly fine."

chip looks between the both of us sceptically with his eyes squinted only just a little.

"are you sure there's nothing going on between you two, maybe a secret relationship?"

"chip for the last time there's no- what's on your neck?" tobi says as his focus quickly switches from chip to your neck, which is covered in hickeys.

"so um, you see, what had happened was is chris stopped by hoping to see you and then-" i start to say but get cut off by a cringing tobi.

"you know i think i know where this went, don't continue please. but why? please tell me you didn't do it in my bed."

"we didn't have sex tobi."

"oh my lord jesus christ thank you god!"

"i would never, at least not in your bed. chips bed sure, but yours nah."

"you got me there."

chip looks at the both of us very very disgusted.

"that's not- don't you dare- no."

i laugh as chip continues to stare us down intently.

"oh come on i was joking....maybe."

"i will not take this!" chip yells as he frowns slouching back into the recliner.


"hey babe."

"hey chris."

"what happened to your ankle love?"

"that's a long story...but there's something important that i have to tell you."

"ok're not breaking up with me are you?"

"goodness no! but um...about a week ago vik kissed me in his car, please don't me mad."

honestly, i've never seen him angry until now. it looked like his blood is boiling and his face is a light shade of red.

"of course you just gotta go and attract everyone! bet you were throwing yourself at him! i can't stay with a cheater." he yells, saying the last part a lot more bitter.

"chris, baby please."

"don't baby me! what? am i not enough for you?"

"no! you are enough! please, i would never cheat on you!"

"but you did- you know what? go! we're through!"

he pushes me out of his house as my face starts to turn a shade of violet from trying not to cry in front of him.


he slams the door as i can hear him punch a wall from the front porch.

i sulk to my car, as i put the key in the ignition and slowly turn down the street to simon's house.

letting the tears roll down my face my grip gets tighter on the steering wheel so much that it feels like i'm compressing the steering wheel.

i stop the car in front of the house before knocking on the front door.

no answer.


no answer.

so i slump down, back to the door as i pull out my phone.

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