kik // simon

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mintermini: josh, you ready to head out to peckham tomorrow?

ZRK: why have you made me make a kik? we could've just texted each other and yes i'm ready. i still don't understand why we don't just call the police

mintermini: bc they're never going to believe this shit and the police out here can't do shit honestly

ZRK: i mean true, do you think she you know feels bad about getting drunk with us and doing all those things. do you think she regrets it?

mintermini: alyssa? no she's never regretted anything in her life, but yeah she feels bad. the day after she told me jags felt like a dirty sket, a slag u know. just like all her fans said she was and even chris after he found out that vik had kissed her. almost everyone calls her a sket, except for us. and i guess she felt like since she slept with us we would think she's a sket too. i honestly don't know how she does it, how she's not depressed. maybe she is, maybe we just never payed that much attention.

ZRK: certainly i would go crazy, but i could never think she's a sket. i will make sure she knows that she's not

mintermini: me too, but look we need to get to bed. tobi was right her phone information is in my find iphone thing. only because she said she gets lost in london all the time. she's in stratford for sure, we just gotta get to her.

ZRK: ok ok ok, i know it's only been a few days but, i miss talking to her. we talk almost everyday.

mintermini: me too, goodnight josh.

ZRK: i like how we're in the same house yet texting each other

mintermini: i said goodnight josh

ZRK: right, goodnight simon

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