IRL // All of them

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[ alyssa's pov ]

I plop down on Simon's bed as he plays GTA at his computer, not filming just playing.

"Simon?" I ask as he turns around facing away from his computer.


"I don't think I know your other friends who live here."

"You don't? I assumed Josh would've introduced by now, he's always doing those tings. But I can introduce you if you'd like."

He gets up from his chair as I hop off his bed and leads me to the room next to his.

"Alyssa, this is JJ."

The boy turns around and my eyes go wide as his do the same.


"Alyssa?" Jide asks in disbelief that he would ever see me here.

"Wait you two know each other?" Simon asks as Jide comes over to us.

"Yes, actually. I didn't know you knew him or that he lived with you. I made a tinder account for the bants and he found me so we ended up talking."

"Oh that's funny!" Simon says as he pats Jide on the back. "Well I guess you should meet Vik then."

"I think I know him too, although we've never actually talked in real life."

"Well lets go visit him anyways, then I'll take you over to Tobi's flat."

He walked into the room only after telling me to wait behind the door just to make sure he's decent.

"Hey Viiiiik!"

"Simon why do you sound like that? What are you up to?"

"I have someone here who wants to meet you."

"Is it a fan Simon? Did you bring a fan into out flat?"

"No I didn't."

He gestures for me to come in the room as I peek my head in the door and slowly walk in.


"Hi, Vik."

"I didn't expect to see you here at all. But it's a nice surprise. Welcome to our home." Vik says stumbling on his words a bit

"Vik, I've been here before mate."

"Wait you have? When?"

"Well it was about a month ago when I was last here only because Simon and Josh usually come to my house."

Vik looks at Simon and then back at me in realisation.

"So this is the friend whose house you go off to all the time."

Simon just nods his head as he looks at me with a smile.

"So uh, how come I've never met you?"

"Well because Simon and Josh are terrible hosts, they never introduced me and I didn't feel too comfortable introducing myself. Especially since I didn't even know you guys existed."

"Well it's nice to see you in person." Vik says as he smiles and turns to Simon to start up a conversation.

I exit the room seemingly inconspicuously as I go downstairs to grab a glass of water. Trying to be as quiet as possible I creep into the kitchen to fill a glass.

"Hey Alyssa!"

I close my eyes and sigh before turning around to see Tobi, Josh, and company.

Both Tobi and Josh get up to hug me as their bone crushing hug actually crushes my bones.

"Tobi I just saw you two days ago."

"I know, but I still get to hug you." He says with a laugh as he walks away to get back to his company.

Josh doesn't say anything as he looks at me contently with a smile in on his face.

"Josh.....what are you looking at?"

"Sorry, I just haven't seen you in person in a while. It's good to see you. You need to come out more often. I miss seeing you like all the time."

I tried to pay as much attention to Josh as I could but I could see out of the corner of my eye that Harry boy was staring at me.

And it was uncomfortable to the highest degree.

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