IRL // all of them

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[ alyssa's pov ]

"Hey Alyssa?"

I look up towards Simon's lanky frame taking an awkward stance. He scratches the back of his neck, basically towering over myself who is sitting on his bed again like usual.

"Yeah?" I ask with a smile on my face at the extremities of his awkwardness.

Not that his personality is awkward it's that his body frame is awkward so whenever we stand near each other he towers over me.

And so does Josh.

"Do you wanna go out to the football pitch or something with Josh and I? All the other boys are out there."

"Of course! It's such a nice day. Although I don't think I'm exactly dressed for the occasion."

"Doesn't matter! Lets go."

Well I guess it's a good thing I accidentally left a pair of football shoes while I was last over here.

He takes my hand and I hop up from his bed as he pulls me towards the door.

"Alright well we're going now!"

I barely have time to slip on my shoes, almost tripping over myself. As I see Josh waiting in the car for us.

I plop down in the backseat as I let Simon sit in the front next to Josh who is driving.

"Alyssa? Are you going to play?"

"I'm gonna try, although I must admit I'm terrible at football."

"So am I so it's ok." Josh says with a laugh as his focus is on the road once again.


"And Alyssa has won with 4 out of 5 penalties!" Shouts Jide as he turns to look at me who is on Josh's back. "And you said you were bad at football."

"Ok well terrible was a little bit of an exaggeration, I used to be good. So then compared to now I'm pretty bad."

Things started to die down when Josh spots an Ice-cream truck. He starts running with me on his back as I hold on to his shoulders as tightly as possible.



"I almost fell."

"I won't let you fall. I got your back."

I smile at him as he holds my legs a little tighter so I cab hold the ice cream cones. He walks slowly back to the pitch as lower the ice cream cone so he can eat some while holding me up.

"You know you can put me down Josh."

"Now why would I do that? You're comfortable aren't you?"


"Ok then."

I rest my head on his shoulder as we meet up with the guys once again.

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