kik // simon

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mintermini: you doing anything in a couple of days?

alyantics: i do stuff everyday, please be more specific.

mintermini: like uh on wednesday?

alyantics: yeah, i'm going to the gym with jide and then chris said he was gonna invite everyone over for a pyjama party. did you not know?

mintermini: oh i knew, i just wanted to make sure you knew.

alyantics: ok then, weirdo
alyantics: can i tell you something?alyantics: like and you can't tell anyone

mintermini: yeah sure.
mintermini: are you ok?

alyantics: yeah i'm fine it's just, when vik and i went out to tesco to get some groceries. did it not seem like it was awkward between us when we got bskl?
alyantics: back***

mintermini: i mean yeah sure, but i didn't think you two were that close anyways. which is why i thought it was weird he asked you to go with him.

alyantics: ok so, while we were in the car vik had asked if i liked him, but i didn't know he meant in a romanticised way. so i said yes because we're friends and then he kissed me. i don't like him like that, i mean he's cute and all but i just consider him and i as friends.

mintermini: daaaaammmmmnnnnnn
mintermini: ok so what am i your girl friend now?

alyantics: simon! i'm serious. i'm freaking out.

mintermini: ok ok i'm sorry. so what are you gonna do?

alyantics: i don't know simon. i'm freaking out, chris is gonna break up with me if he finds out vik kissed me. simon he's gonna hate me.

simon could tell she was freaking out through the phone, like majorly. also that she was probably crying and she was.

mintermini: it's ok, he won't hate you. just tell him, chris is a very understanding guy. if he breaks up with you he will have lost a very beautiful, very intelligent, very talented woman. i will probably beat him up after he beats himself up for breaking up with you.

alyantics: thank you simon, you're the best. truly. i hope you find the right girl too.

little does she know simon once had feelings for her, but doesn't know if he still has those strong feelings. there is something there but it is unclear what they actually are.

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