glass heart | x - xix

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・・・ x ・・・

He stepped back.


No. No. No. No.

-This is a joke.

This is just a dream.

This can't be real.

... Right?

Ao's heart began to beat uncomfortably in his chest.

Breathing became difficult.

His deaf ear seemed to throb.

No. No. No. No. No.

There was a silence between them.

Fujiwara Monica didn't say anything at first.

All she did was stare at the face of her own stepson.

after a moment,
she nodded to him.

She spoke very quietly.

"Hello, Ao... How have you been?"

・・・ xi ・・・

Everything felt too sudden.

Monica looked older than the last time he saw her.

That was almost a year ago.

Her blonde hair was slowly turning grey at the roots.

There were already wrinkles forming on her face.

Her brown eyes looked tired. Drained.

"... Why are you here?"

Ao blurted this aloud,
unable to hide both the uncertainty and fear in his tone.

At the same time, a silent question pressed his mind.

... Why did you suddenly remember that I exist?

Monica blinked slowly, looking as though she realized that she wasn't welcomed.

She shook her head and made a small, tight smile.

She spoke.

"It's... your father..." she trailed off quietly, pausing.

She cleared her throat and continued.

"... He's... at the hospital right now," she said.

Ao blinked.

His waited for her to continue.

When she did, Monica's next words were something that Ao never expected to hear.

Her tone was hoarse as she said it.

re:Happiness | Cell Phone NovelWhere stories live. Discover now