c h a p t e r 1.

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"Mommy!" My daughter said, as I picked her up from pre-school.

I took her hands, and we happily hopped to the bus stop.

And then he came-

"Yah! What are you thinking of?" Pinky yelled as she pinched me.

"W-what! Nothing..." I looked down and someone was tugging on my pants- it was Pinky's daughter, Chaebyul or what we just like to call Byul, who currently just started pre-school.

"How was your first day? Was it fun?" I asked her, as I kneeled down.

"It was so much fun! We played games and then we had nap time, and we also ate yummy snacks! I made so much new friends!" She kept going and going on about her day.

Byul is only three years old, but her vocabulary is already so advanced. Some people have mistaken her to be five years old.

"Let's quickly go home. Daddy got out of work early and he bought you jellies!" Pinky smiled at her daughter, and Byul jumped up and down in excitement.

Once we got home, Jinyoung was already there before us. Sometimes it embarrasses me that I'm always there, but I guess it's okay, since I always take care of their daughter anyways.

"Good afternoon, love" Jinyoung kissed Pinky on the forehead, while helping her sit down. "How's the baby?"

"He kicked a lot. Should we enroll him in Taekwondo once he gets older?" Pinky joked, and they both laughed. She's currently six months pregnant with her second child, a baby boy.

"Daddy, where's my jellies?" Byul came up to her father and tried hopping onto him. He carried her in his arms.

"Do you see that bag over there? Go take a look." He pointed at a plain white plastic bag. She took the package out of the bag and ripped it right open.

"Hey! Don't eat much, you haven't had dinner yet." Pinky warned her.

"Mommy's right. Don't eat that much, I also don't want you to get sick." Jinyoung agreed to his wife, like he always does.

Sometimes I really envy them.

I currently just turned twenty five (int. age), and yet, I'm still single, un-employed, and literally have no life, whatsoever.

And then there's Pinky and Jinyoung who's legit living the life. Jinyoung's an engineer and Pinky's a pediatric nurse.

They live in a nice house in the middle of the city, while I live in a shabby apartment.

I have no idea how my life went like this. I graduated university and got my business and even an English degree. I started up my own hair product brand- it was doing so well at first, but then after a while, it went downhill.

Now I'm unemployed, and currently trying to find a job or an even just an internship.

Just basically something to do with my life.


I took my phone and swiped answer without even looking at it. I never get phone calls unless it's a prank call, or just one of those useless information things. Phone calls are a rare event, in my case.

"Hello, is this Ms. Yoo Seohee?" Says an unfamiliar voice of a lady.

"Yes? Who is this?" Honestly tho- if this is just a prank call, stop. Just stop.

"I'm Nina and I work for an LA based company, 'C'est La Vie'. We sell beauty products. Have you maybe heard about us?"

"Of course! Yes, I've heard many good things. It's like one of the biggest beauty brands in the world! I never thought that I'd ever get a call back."

"Well, I've read your résumé, and it seems like you have a very good background history. We have an opening for an internship in our company right now, but in America. By any chance, would you be interested?"

"Y-Yes! Oh my gosh, yes!" The excitement in my body is taking over me.

"Alright then! Someone from our branch there in Seoul will explain more things to you in detail, and there will also be an additional interview. Please anticipate a phone call soon. I guess that's all I have to say! Congrats, and have a safe flight."

She hanged up, and I'm left in awe.

"What's wrong with you?" Pinky asked, as she set up the table for dinner.

"You're never going to believe this."


"Girl!" I took a deep breath. "I'm going to be an intern for one of the biggest companies in the whole world."



Song: Wait (잠깐만요) by Acourve/Mind U (어쿠루브)

I will still update every Monday, Wednesday and Friday (Time may vary, depending where you live)- but since I've just published it, I will post three chapters right now.

(I would really appreciate it if you guys listen to the songs I put in these chapters while reading, since I have a hard time looking for some of them, and I really try to pick out the best songs for these chapters:))) If you don't know how to do that, you just swipe the picture on the top to your left, and it will come out:)



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