c h a p t e r 5.

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I'm done.

I'm so done.

It has only been a week since I became "Edward Lai's" assistant, and man- he's been treating me like a slave. It's even harder to take care of him than Byul.

"Mia!" He yelled.

"Yes, sir?" What now?

"Get my jacket on me, we're leaving." He stood up and took his keys.

His jacket is legit right beside him. I took it and wanted to throw it at his face, but instead I carefully put it on him. Does he really need someone to help him put on his jacket?

We went out of the office, and all the workers bowed at him for respect. I thought they said no bowing here?

"Where are we going? It didn't say you have a schedule for a meeting or something-"

"We're going to the mall, hop in the car." He muttered.

I went in the back, but he then yelled at me to sit in the front- to not make him look like a driver.

The whole car ride was silent, since he liked it that way. I couldn't help but stare at him through the rear view mirror... his hair is so slick, and he looks so good in a suit.

"We're here." He told me, which meant I had to go down and open the door for him.

Once he got out of the car, he fixed his suit with his dang 'suit manners' and we then started walking around the mall.

He only went to the designer branded stores, and every time we went in one, he goes out with a new purchase.

Rich people.

My arms are dying, since he made me hold all the things. Can't we just go in the car and put it away now?

"You need help." Guanlin said to me in the most cocky way. Is he saying that I'm crazy?

"What?" I looked at him, offended.

He suddenly took some bags from my arms, and helped me carry them. Thank goodness- he doesn't have long arms so that he could just not use them.

We finally went back in the car, and put all the things in the back.

"One more stop, then we'll go home." He told me, and I nodded.

"Where are we going?"

"Shut up. Stop asking so many questions." What a dick.

We arrived at a restaurant, but he didn't need me to open the door for him this time.

When we got to the door, all the staffs crowded over to give him a hand shake. The place looks so expensive.

"Reservation for three. Two tables." He told the lady, and she told us to go follow her.

We arrived at the private lounge, and he sat at the other table- away from me.

I looked through the menu, and was shocked to see the price. Everything's so hella expensive.

"Feel free to eat whatever you'd like." It's like he read my mind.

A beautiful girl suddenly walked in, and she seems to be Chinese. She's so tall, like Guanlin, and she's super pretty- she's basically perfect.

Guanlin stood up and kissed her on the cheek, while helping her sit at her seat. Uh- rich people really can't do things theirselves.

"Hi." She smiled at me.

"Hello!" I waved at her.

"Oh yeah. This is my assistant, Mia" Guanlin introduced me to her, so I went and gave her a handshake. "Mia, this is my fiancée, Bella."

"F-fiancée?" I uttered a whisper.

"Nice to meet you, Mia." She smiled at me again.

"Yes, you too!" I returned her a smile too, but my heart honestly felt like it just got torn into so many pieces.

He's getting married.

After ten years, I see him again... but he's almost married.

I sat back at my seat, and continued looking at the menu- but I honestly couldn't concentrate with ordering food anymore.

What did I expect anyways? It's been ten years. In ten years, many things have changed- Guanlin became successful, he's gotten even more handsome, his personality changed, he's more mature... and he even fell in love.

I guess love at a young age is really just "love"- it's a joke... because it seems as if he's already forgotten about our past.

Maybe I should just really look for someone else. Maybe I really shouldn't have wasted ten years of my life, hoping that he'd come back to me- because now, that's clearly impossible.

"What do you want?" Guanlin suddenly said out of nowhere.

"Yes, sir?" I got briefly startled.

"Your order?"

"Oh um... whatever you thinks is good. I haven't gone to a place like this before." I mumbled.

"This one! It's delicious, totally my favorite, and I think you will like it" Bella came over to me and pointed at a carbonara dish, with extra cheese. It's like she actually knows me- I love cheese. "By the way, the carbonara here is more on the salty side, not like sweet in Korea." How would she know? Has she gone there?

"Great! I'll get that then." I told them.

The couple talked about life and their businesses and such, while I sat at the other table, playing with my phone. I'm actually so happy that I didn't have to stand up as much today.

The food soon came, and we were all delighted since we're all hungry. The plating is so nice, and it looks and smells delicious.

"잘 먹겠습니다 (I will eat well)!" I said before I dove in.

They both looked at me, and Guanlin just rolled his eyes, while Bella kind of laughed- but not in a bad way.

After eating dinner, we all went inside Guanlin's car- I sat behind and Bella rode shotgun.

I actually envy them. They're such a perfect couple, like almost the ones you see in TV shows or magazines- I just can't help but to get jealous.

Uhh... I really need to get myself a man.


I found out about something so surprising yesterday. I'm still shookt-

Song: Is This Love (이게 사랑일까) by Coffee Boy (커피소년) ft. Haeun (하은)

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