c h a p t e r 31.

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"Good morning!" I blurted out in the office, once I got in.

"Good morning." Guanlin sighed. Well, he looks like he's not having a very merry morning...

"Hey, I've been noticing... you haven't been talking much lately since yesterday." I told him.

"Really?" He didn't take his attention away from the laptop screen.

"If you need anyone to talk to- just talk to me?"

"I can't." He painfully smiled, and my heart almost broke.

What else do I say?

"Ah! You told me before, that you like someone? Tell me who!" I tried changing the topic.

"No! Why would I tell you?" He laughed. Well, at least he looks happier now.

"Because, I'm your best friend."

"Best friend?" He looked at me, and bursted out laughing. "Never."

"You're so mean! At least tell me some things about her. Does she work here?"


"That doesn't answer anything." I pouted.

"Fine," He looked at the ceiling. "She's cute, but she's very nosy. She also talks a lot, and makes all these weird noises all the time... she can be cool sometimes, but she's a cry baby. Does that answer your question?"

"Ooh. Someone's in love." I joked.


"You love her?" My eyes grew wide.

"For a long time... but I can't, because now she's taken."



How can she be so dumb to not realize that I was talking about her the whole time?

"Mia, what would you say if Woojin ever proposes to you? Just curious." It's not my business to tell her that he's actually going to do it.

"I've wanted a husband and a family for so long. If we ever get married, I would want kids right away." She chuckled.

"So, you think about those things often? I didn't know you had a dark side." I joked around, but actually trying to sound serious.

"Excuse me! No... I didn't think of it that way- I just want children!" She looks pissed, so I just stopped annoying her.

"So, would it be a yes? You'd want to marry him, even if it's right away?"

"Yes," She smiled to herself. "I don't think time really matters. What matters more is what you feel."

"But what if someone else turns out to like you from afar?"

"Then, too bad for them! They didn't have the guts to say it to my face, so then my Woojin already won."

"So, you actually think that you'll end up with Woojin?"

"Yes. Plus- who else would I end up with, if not him?"


"You're right."



"Where do you want to eat?" Woojin asked me.

"Wherever you would like. I'm fine with anything." I told him. He suddenly took my hand and gave it a small kiss.

"Do you love me?" He asked out of nowhere.

"Of course I do," I tiptoed to kiss his cheeks. "Are you doubting me?"

"It's just that, you've spent so much time with Edward... don't you still have feelings for him?"

I would lie if I tell Woojin that I don't- but if I were to be honest with him, that would just simply hurt him.

"I don't anymore. It's just you in my heart." I lied. I feel so bad, but I'd feel even worse if I made him angry.

"Good. He wasn't meant for you at all- he's a bad person, and everyone knows that."

But Guanlin is actually a very nice person...

Even if I wanted to defend him, Woojin wouldn't believe anything I'd say.

I've been working with Guanlin for quite a while now, and all I can say is that he really changed.

From being all cold, to a very kind warm-hearted boy, who simply just doesn't want to let his loved ones down.

The guy who would easily let go of his own desires, just to see someone else happy and to not disappoint anyone.

That's the real Guanlin that I know.

And that stupid smile of his.

Especially the time when he smiled at me for the very last time, the day before he left...

That smile he left behind still remained in my heart.

Now every time he looks at me, with that beautiful bright smile of his that he always used to have... it just makes me fall for him allover and allover again.

All I want is for Guanlin to be happy and make decisions for himself, not for anybody else- even just for once.

Because he deserves all the happiness in this world.


Song: The Days When I Thought of You Alone (홀로 생각하던 날들) by SONGKEY (소키) with 진호정

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