c h a p t e r 10.

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The weekends are over- another long ass week ahead. I'm honestly so tired with my life.

"Go downstairs and get the files for the new products." Guanlin demanded.

"Alright, sir." I said, before obeying his demand.

On my way to get the files, I bumped into Woojin.

"Hi!" He smiled at me, and I finally saw his cute snaggletooth.

"Hello! How are you?" I asked him.

"Great! You?" Horrible. I'm sleep deprived and lonely as fu-

"I'm fine." I sighed.

We started talking about our weekends and such, until I forgot what I exactly went downstairs for, and we also lost track of the time.

"So he was like-"

"Mia! Where are the files?" Guanlin suddenly yelled at me from behind. Oh yeah... the files.

"I'm so sorry, sir... I'll go get them now-"

"No. Just go back upstairs- you might forget about them again." He rolled his eyes at me. Uh! His damn attitude.

I stomped to the elevator, and went inside his office once I got upstairs.

He might get mad at me again if I sit down, so I ended up just standing up in front of his desk. His phone suddenly rang, and since the front of his phone was facing up, I could see who called.

... Bella calling...

I took the phone, and answered it since it's not business related or anything anyways.

"I can't come to your place later. I'm going back to the hospital to get my pregnancy test results."

I suddenly dropped the phone, and the screen cracked.

She's pregnant?

She and Guanlin are already expecting a child? Is this the reason why they want to get married so soon?

And fuck.

I just broke his phone.



I went back upstairs with the files that Seohee was supposed to get, but didn't- because instead, she chitchatted with that Woojin guy.

Once I got upstairs, I saw Seohee on the floor trying to pick up pieces of broken thin glass... from my phone.

"What the fuck!" I yelled. "Why did you do this?"

"I'm sorry... I didn't mean to." She looked down, scared. She was holding her hand, as if it hurt.

"Firstly, you always complain, you didn't get the files- and now you even broke my damn phone! What the hell is wrong with you?"

"I said I'm sorry..." She started crying.

"All my contacts are here! What if someone who has such a great deal is calling me right now? Now they can't just call me, because you fucking broke it!"

"I'll buy you a new one."

"This kind? Do you think you can actually afford this, huh? I can always buy a new phone- but it's the things inside it!"

"I didn't mean to! I answered Bella's call, and then I accidentally dropped it-"

"You even dared to answer her call! Wow, how dare you fiddle with my damn stuff and my personal life?"

She looked at me with disbelief, and slapped me with the hand that she was just holding earlier. It had lots of small cuts on it and was bleeding really badly, due to when she tried picking up those broken pieces earlier.

"How many times do I have to say I'm sorry?" She looked at me with those sad eyes of hers.

"I quit."



I slammed the door to his office really loudly on my way out, and ran right into the girls washroom.

I took out my small first-aid kit from my bag, and used the rubbing alcohol to disinfect my hand- not wanting any types of tetanus, just in case.

The alcohol burned my hand, and I winced in pain as I poured it over the cuts- but nothing hurts more than the pain that Guanlin has caused me.

Ten years I loved him.

But also ten years he hurt me.

I met him again, stupidly hoping that I'd feel his love once more- but instead, I felt the pain and the hurt.

I want to quit loving him.

To quit hoping.

Because he's hurting me too much, and I seriously can't take it anymore.

I hate you, Guanlin.


Okay guys, so since I wrote too much chapters last night... I decided to post two extra chapters, one on Saturday and the other on Sunday! (+ after that, I will be posting normally again: Mondays, Wednesdays & Fridays).

Thank you all so much!

Some people asked me how I get these ideas for my stories- honestly, these usually just come out from my dreams/nightmares at night, or basically just my crazy imagination because I always zone out lmaooo. Much love<3

Song: The Day My Heart Fell Apart (맘이 지던 ) by Mugamgak (무감각)

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