c h a p t e r 6.

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After dropping Bella off, I sat back in the front and we silently drove home- like legit zero words were said. But surprisingly it wasn't awkward.

We got to the penthouse, and divided to our rooms.

"Goodnight, sir." I told Guanlin while opening the door to my room, and he did nothing except nod in return.

Fine then, be like that.

I suddenly fell on my bed, exhausted, homesick, frustrated... heart broken- I just couldn't help but cry.

I should have just stayed in Korea, where all my loved ones are.

It's only been a week, and I already strongly regret ever coming here.


I quickly wiped my tears away, and looked at my phone.

... Pinky wants to facetime you...


"Hey girl! How's life?" She quickly said.

"It's fine." I tried to form a smile.

"Give the phone to Guanlin. Now." Pinky put down Byul, and she looks like she's about to fight.

"No Pinky, I'm really fine." I sighed.

"Your eyes are red from crying, you look sleep deprived, and you honestly look like you just got ran over by a car. Now tell me, does that sound okay to you?"

"It's not the job that's making me like this. Yes, he is strict and very bossy- but that's just really a part of my job to tolerate that. That's what I signed up for."

"If it's not the job, then was is it?" She asked, but Jinyoung suddenly came in the back.

"I'm leaving for work soon. Do you want anything when I get home?" Jinyoung asked as he kissed her.

"Just some more dried jujubes. I'm really craving more." She giggled.

"Alright. Hun, you have such weird cravings- our baby might start looking like a jujube." He laughed.

Awe, but in all honesty I love seeing them like this. It's almost like watching a cutesy tv-drama. It actually relives my stress.

"Oh! Seohee, didn't see you there. Hi!" Jinyoung waved at me.

"Hello! How's the life of a working father?"

"It's very difficult, but the father part is what's motivating me to do even better! And my beautiful wife too, of course." He hugged Pinky, and she blushed.

They are a good example of ten years. After ten years, he still makes her blush. It really is true love.

"What were you gonna say?" She continued asking me.

"Guanlin is getting married."

"What?" They both yelled at the same time.

"I met his fiancée earlier. She's really nice and pretty- she's actually perfect."

"Pfft. I bet her name's ugly." Jinyoung tried to make me feel better.

"Her name's Bella."

"Dang it; the name's also pretty." Pinky hit the table.

"Yeah, I gave up on Guanlin. Bye boy." I chuckled.

"Great idea." He gave me two thumbs up.

"It's okay, Seohee! I bet there's a lot more good looking and nice guys around there anyways- well I mean you're in America! There must be guys who looks like Channing Tatum or young Leonardo DiCaprio- I don't know!"

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