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"I really do appreciate all of yer coming ter support me," Hagrid said handing Grace a cup of tea. "I thought I ought to give this to yer."

He handed Ron a squirming rat, "Scabbers!"

"You lost him?" Percy asked.

"I thought her cat ate him!" Ron pointed at Hermione.

"I think you owe someone an apology!" Hermione yelled.

"Yeah... next time I see Crookshanks, I'll say sorry!" Ron said.

"I meant me!" Hermione yelled.

Suddenly the pot shattered and Percy pulled Grace back on habit.

"What on earth was that?" Percy asked storming up to Hagrid.

"I don't kner Percy!" Hagrid exclaimed.

"Well... it nearly hit Grace!" Percy yelled.

"Percy relax!" Grace yelled. "What is with you lately in you needing to protect me over every little thing?"

"I'm trying to keep you safe!" Percy yelled.

Grace's face turned red and she sat down, the room fell quiet.

"I'm sorry Hagrid." Percy said after awhile, Grace looked up, and caught Percy's eye. "I'm sorry."

"Yer forgiven." Hagrid smiled weakly.

"It's alright." Grace said.

"I remember those days as a teen... o'course I ne'er had such a perfect girl as Grace." Hagrid said, "Ne'er someone to keep me in line or listen to everything I said."

Grace and Percy blushed, Percy truly knew that Grace was the best girl that any man could ever have, but he always found a way to get his stubbornness in the way.

"Ow!" Harry exclaimed, he turned around to see 3 figures approaching Hagrid's hut.

"You three! Out the back door." Hagrid said, Hermione, Ron, and Harry quickly left the back way, "You two! Stay with me!"

Grace and Percy looked out the window, "It's C-Cornielus Fudge!" Grace pinched Percy on the arm, before quickly grabbing his hand.

"Mr Weasley?" Dumbledore asked. "Ms Potter?"

"They were helpin' me with me er... Extra credit." Hagrid said nervously.

"We had extra credit opportunities and Hagrid had us write an essay on hippogriffs, before of course um..." Grace said.

"Well you two better leave... Weasley... Weasley? You're Arthur Weasley's son?" Cornelius Fudge asked.

Percy stared at the man, before Grace squeezed his hand, "Percy Ignatius Weasley, 5'10... Third oldest, my God you look extremely dashing."

Grace facepalmed, and Percy kept smiling, Fudge smiled and nodded slowly, "Good to meet you..." He extended his hand, "Peter?"

"Percy." Percy shook his hand for about a minute too long, Grace grabbed his hand and walked out the door. "He touched me! Cornelius Fud-" Grace stopped him as she saw that buck beak was sleeping peacefully, Grace let a tear fall down her cheek, Percy wiped her eyes and embraced her, the two ran to meet the other three.

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