Kai x reader -don't-

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This is a request kinda, by TwilightSpake all she wanted was the reader to have fire powers and I've had a Kai x reader idea in the vault and sadly now it's not holiday-themed. If I have time tomorrow I'll write one like that.
Warning! Kai is depressed kinda, and swearing
Hi! Here is just a brief summary of what is going on. I'm currently training under the ninja, namely Kai, to be the ninja of fire. Mainly telekinetic fire, but I can create fire like him, that's why I went to him. My crimson gi, (btw crimson is a shade of red) was slightly burnt from the training with him right now. I was always carefree, bubbly and happy. He was always disgusted about my attitude. I asked his sister why he would act like this.
"It's because our parents passed. It took an impact on him. He really got along with my dad, they loved their shared element. I'm not saying that I didn't have that connection with my mom, she always told me when her time would come don't spend time mourning. Live life to the fullest. So that's what I've done, I can't say the same for Kai though."
After asking and saying sorry for her loss, I went back to the fireproof training room.
When I returned he was playing on his phone.
"Oh, your back."
He replied not even bothering to look up at me.
"Why don't you have fun once and a while?"
I asked.
Dead silent.
He sighed.
"You went and asked Nya didn't you?"
I nodded.
My h/c swishing through the ninja hood.
"It doesn't matter. Fun just doesn't seem ideal."
He replied never looking up from the screen where his adoring fans loved him.
"Well, let's have some fun."
His head whipped up from the bright screen.
"No way hothead."
He smirked at the hothead comment but not letting you see. Something sparked in him. Some feeling. He hadn't been feeling in a long time but something sparked.
"There is no pass for fun here. I'll be back."
I ran to my room that was a few halls down and got my speaker. Dancing would be perfect.
"I'm back!"
I announced slamming the door to the fireproof training area.
I put on my favorite song and started dancing.
I smiled at him.
"Get up hothead! Or are you scared that I have better moves than you?"
I ended with a smirk plastered on my face.
He rolled his eyes.
"Your moves are horrible."
I took fake offense to this.
"Oh! Well, excuse me! You should show me better than!"
He rolled his eyes again. Man, they are gonna roll out of his head sometimes.
He got up. He walked over to my phone and switched the music. To classical dancing music. Weird. Never thought he would listen to these types of music. He took me by the arm and put his hand around my waist. We were two-stepping. It was nice. He was calm. He had a slight smile on his face. This was the first emotion I'd ever seen him in beside rolling his eyes at me.
"My mom taught me how to do this."
He said quietly. The music blurring out. It was just me and him.
"She seems like she was a wonderful person."
I whispered back.
"She was."
I pushed him on a little more hoping for him to let some of it out.
"Why don't you teach your sister how to do this and spread on her memory."
I whispered.
This broke him out of his daze. The happy, blissful daze.
"No. No. I know she would've wanted to but I can't."
"Make her happy! Make her memory live on!"
I whispered loudly this time.
He was spinning me, while I told him this. When I finished he let me go while spinning. I hit the wall.
"You don't understand!"
He yelled at me.
"You never will!"
He yelled once more getting louder.
He inches closer to me. I flinch back creeping closer to the wall but there was nowhere to hide I was cornered.
"You.       Make.   Me.   Feel......you make me feel.
He said quietly, fiercely.
"And I don't like it. I want it to stop. Now."
He told me. I nodded. Clear streams flowing down my face and puddling in the floor as I sank to the ground.
There was knocking on the door. Not but punching. Very hard punching. Someone apparently let Cole through and he totally trucked it. Breaking it. He had locked it for some obscure reason.
The team fled in and I fled out.
There was the door with my name on it.
I opened it.
Locked it. And slid down to the floor.
And cried.

-Lloyd POV-
We crashed into the fire training area because Nya decided it wasn't good that her brother was yelling that loud. And I wasn't. He had       Y/N cornered. And she was crying. As soon as we opened the door she came fleeing out. A loud slam and a lock clicking could be heard. I took that as the signal she wanted to be alone. Jay went after her. They were practically siblings. The door slamming was his signal not to go in so he came in after Kai.
"What the hell are you doing!"
He yelled. The boy-scout never cussed. This was bad.
"I told her my rules!"
He yelled back.
"Rules about what!"
Jay yelled back.
"Rules about making me feel."
He said in a normal tone.
"You don't have to scare her to the point of crying Kai! Just because you feel for the first time since your parents' death doesn't mean you have to let your bottled up feelings out on an 18-year-old! She's a year younger than you Kai! She's still got stuff to learn so don't be such a dick!"
He finished breathing heavily.
He stormed out and went down the hall to her room.
The room was dead silent. Kai was thinking. Zane was just there. Nya was also in thought. And like Zane, I'm just here.
"Say you're sorry."
Nya said.
"Say more than sorry my friend. You have really hurt her. And you have feelings for her like you said. Confess. Maybe she will forgive you and see eye to eye."
Zane added.
He left the room. Headed for the crimson ninja's room.

A soft knock was at my door.
Jay said through the door frame.
I unlocked the door. And let him in.
I had a long conversation with him including what he had said to Kai.
I laughed.
"Are you serious? You told him that! Wow, Jay thanks for standing up for me."
I smiled at him.
"Yeah though I'm probably going to get in trouble for cussing and calling him a dick."
We both laughed at this. Another knock came from the door.
"I'll see who it is."
Jay told me as I stayed on the floor.
He opened it.
It was Kai.
"I need to talk to her Jay. Tell her I'm sorry. Tell her some other things."
Jay glared at him. But let him in and he left. He hesitated but left.
He started.
I replied.
There was nothing said.
He dove right in.
"Look, I'm sorry. It's been about a year since I've actually felt. I've been so cold and shut off for so long I was just foreign to me. And feeling love, well that's a whole new story. I haven't felt that in a really long time. So I just want to say."
I cut him off.
With a kiss.
His lips had that burning flavor. It was amazing.
"I know. I don't know what you're going through but we can work through it together."
Jay burst in.
"Hands off!"
We both laughed.
"It's okay Jay."
Then we proceeded to kiss again.
That's the story of how I became Kai Smith's girlfriend.

I hope you enjoyed!

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