Lloyd x Reader -under the tree part -

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another chapter? about Lloyd??
haha you love me

I watched the flakes outside my window slowly fall and add to the mountain that was stacked up. It was Christmas Eve, I was curled up with my blanket and a mug sitting by my side. I picked up the remote with a smile on my face and turned the TV off of Netflix. I had recently binged through Ninjago for the umpteenth time this year. I fiddled with my thumbs wrapping them on top of each other. I was alone on Christmas for another year. I was sixteen and hadn't had a boyfriend yet. I'm not the best at the talking to guys stuff. I usually was reserved and didn't want to stick out. The thing thy made me happiest was Ninjago. I would watch it everyday. My parents didn't mind. It kept me happy.
I stared at the black screen.
If only Lloyd was real.
I sighed out loud.
"That's crazy talk."
I told myself and laughed as I walked to my room.
Tomorrow was Christmas Day and was a pretty big deal for my entire family. We got together all day long and exchanged gifts. I would usually make small talk with my cousins and play card games with them. I wasn't really the most interactive with them but I made an effort so my mom wouldn't yell at me. I just wasn't a people person I would tell her. She didn't get it.
I rolled my eyes thinking about the multiple conversations we've had about the topic. I did my nightly routine as I put on my pajamas. My Christmas tree that was f/c glowed with its small bulb lights. Maybe I would get some good gifts this year. I don't know what my parents would do. I closed my eyes as I looked at the small tree.
~In The Morning~
A bright light peeked through my curtains. It was unbearably bright.
"Must be the reflection off of the snow."
I mumbled as I rubbed the sleep out of my eyes. I looked down to my tiny tree beside my bed half asleep. I saw a person sitting down next to it. A white shirt with a pair of green jeans that were distressed in some places.
"What's up?"
He asked.
His voice sent shivers down my spine. It was low and smooth. I could recognize it from anywhere.
I sat up in my bed and jumped backwards. Effectively hitting my head on my wooden headboard.
I groaned as I rubbed the spot where my head had made contact.
"Oh my gosh are you okay?"
He jumped up to try to help me. I stopped rubbing my head and stared at him.
"Can you stop staring cause you're kinda freaking me out."
He laughed nervously.
I asked with caution lacing my voice.
He answered. Once it finally registered in my head who he was I freaked out a little.
I started smoothing my hair down and brushing my fingers with through it.
He laughed. It was deep and smooth. It made me shiver. But he was never going to know that.
I reached and cupped his face with my hand. He put his hand on top of mine. Warmth spread through me when he rested his hand on top of mine.
"You're real."
I breathed out.
He said it like it was obvious.
"How did you get here? How are you existing? Is this a dream? Pinch me."
I said rambling as the bed sank to support another person also know as, Lloyd.
"I just woke up here, I'm existing because I'm a person like you, no, and okay."
He said ending with a pinch.
I slapped his hand back and he laughed lightly.
He nodded his head towards my pajamas.
"You gonna take those off and change into real clothes or gonna sit here and stare at me?"
He asked. I huffed and pushed him lightly. This made him laugh.
I pulled my covers back and gathered my stuff and ran to my bathroom. I locked the door and stared in the mirror. He's here. He's in the other room. This must be the best day of my life.
I slipped into my Christmas clothes for the day since you got dirty looks at my grandmas house if you weren't in Christmas attire.
I emerged with my hair brushed, light makeup, and a smile.
"You look good."
He said observing my outfit choice.
"You're not so bad yourself."
I sent a smirk back.
"Let's go yeah?"
I asked him because he had nothing to say after my comment.

I am 99% sure I'm making a part 2. Hope y'all enjoy!

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 26, 2023 ⏰

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