Jay x reader

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No title because I don't find a title appropriate for this. Just read it. If you have an appropriate title please tell me.

Idk if you have powers, honestly I don't find them relevant to the story. You can say you have them but they literally have nothing to do with the story.
Quote for the story
"Sometimes it's okay if the only thing you did today was breath."
Warning!- don't have these very often but, this one is serious. I will be writing about mental health, if you can't handle it please move onto the next chapter.
"I'm fine."
Those were the words I heard the most from my mouth. It hurts when you are part of a conversation, and you add something in, and nobody hears you, even though you are loud and clear. Or when your hurt and people push it off, so you do the same.
"Are you okay?"
My boyfriend Jay Walker asked. I had just been hit pretty hard in battle.
"She's fine."
Cole yelled to Jay, signaling for him to get back into battle. Even though I could feel the bruise welling up on my impressionable skin.
"I'm fine, no biggie."
I smiled at him and told him. He hesitated then nodded. He was doing nothing wrong, he was just doing what he was told.
Or being really proud of something you accomplished yet you never thought you could do,
And you tell people
And they don't hear it.
Other times there are those moments
When your chest aches so bad
You just have to let it out.
Jay would never discover this.
The night was the best time to do it. I had a room to myself. I mastered crying silently.
And it hurts, even more, to have to clamp your hand over your mouth to deal with it.
There's no one you can tell.
You just have to deal most of the time.
Others wouldn't get it. It just felt necessary at times to let the bottled feelings out.
This morning, about an hour or so after eating our breakfast as a team, I promised my mother every day that I'd call her.
This morning was rather rough.
I had told about Jay, and how he was doing good, and she asked me about a few things. I had to tell her I lost one of my compression sleeves for my foot that I messed up a few months ago, and I needed her to order me a new one.
"Take better care of your stuff Y/N!"
She screamed through the line.
"You are paying for the next one!"
She added.
"Okay, Mom."
I sighed.
"I love you."
I replied.
"Love you too."
With that, the phone call ended. I was on the deck of the bounty, the rest of the team training, watching TV or dabbling in their own affairs. I opened the door to the living room, walking fast, not abnormally fast, I didn't want to draw attention. I opened the door to the bedroom hall and closed it once I got through. I sprinted to my room. Softly closing the door, slamming brings attention. I didn't lock it, even there was one. Once again I sprinted to my bed. Curling up in a ball, the silent stream flowing down my face.
"I was trying to be responsible! Things just happen!"
I yelled in my head. But out loud it was just noise. No real words.
Like the rest of the world heard me as.
Hugging my knees to my chest, the sob intensifying, as I touched the huge bruise right below my right knee cap.
The door softly cracked open.
I muttered facing the wall next to me. Not even facing or looking at the person who was the door. I continued to cry. The person's footsteps get closer. I felt the weight on the side of my bed. My face still towards the wall.
Strong arms rolled me over and sat me up. It was Jay. Lloyd was right outside the door so I could see him.
"What's wrong?"
He asked, softly.
I was like that sentence set off the bullet in my head, breaking the thin layer of glass I had up.
I sobbed harder. He gently brought me into his arms. My knees curled to my chest once again.
He tilted my chin towards him.
"Breathe. Deep breaths."
I proceeded to try taking deep breaths, I choked myself up before I could take a full breath every time.
I wasn't good enough.
Never was.
I'm not responsible.
I thought.
"Hey, we are gonna get through this, just please tell me."
I told him between shallow breaths, trying to take deep ones.
"What? You are perfect. Whoever told you that was lying."
He softly smiled.
"You're just saying that because you're my boyfriend."
I whispered.
"You could ask anyone."
"I'm not responsible."
I whispered once again.
"You are the most responsible person on this ship. Everybody miss places something every now and then."
I looked at him then averted my eyes towards the bed, and my shirt.
Both were tear-stained.
"Thank you."
I whispered after a long period of silence.
I had quit crying.
He hugged me.
"It's gonna be okay."

Yes, this is very sad but very true in this world.
As the author, I have breakdowns all the time, I have people to support me, to tell me to breathe. My supporters are the best people I could ask for. Don't make fun of someone for having a mental illness or anything related to it.

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