Cole x Reader -yuck-

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This is a request from transformers1293
I hope you all enjoy

You know what the problem is with men being sick? They never admit it. I had a slight crush on the earth ninja and I could tell something was wrong by the way he looked at me.
I knew him that well.
Everybody on the Bounty knew he was sick. We would tell him and he would deny it. We all noticed when he didn't eat very much breakfast. Everybody loved Zane's French Toast.
It was great French Toast. I had to assure Zane of this because Cole was basically the food taster for the team.
When we started training for the day he was fighting Kai.
Kai had a huge look of displease on his face. He told me earlier if he had to face Cole in combat that he would literally drink hand sanitizer.
I see his reasoning but, I told him not to do it. That stuff literally burns the cells in your throat as you swallow. (Don't eat tide pods kids)
He was currently fighting him. And I hoped he wasn't going to eat hand sanitizer later.
Cole threw a punch at him sloppily and Kai side stepped.
Which the "quick" movement made Cole topple to the ground.
"Good job Kai."
He said with a slur to his voice. It was also slightly deeper since he was sick. It was kinda hot.
Who was I kidding? The man was a walking virus and I thought his voice sounded hot. Later that day the team was enjoying just sitting on the deck of the ship and letting the breeze hit them. We did this partially because Cole was burning to the touch and he couldn't cool down unless the entire team did.
He is so stubborn sometimes I swear.
"Hey Y/N!"
He shouted at me from the edge of the deck on the other side of the deck.
I yelled back. He was going to say or do something stupid. I started getting up from my sitting position.
"Watch this! I'll show you that I'm better than Kai to be your boyfriend."
My cheeks flared up at the mention of "your boyfriend" All of my friends always told me I was going to be a loner.
I started to believe them.
He did a hand stand that any seven year old could pull off.
I yelled back as I advanced towards him.
Where did he even get the idea that I liked Kai? He was an older brother to me. Must've been the cough medicine taking.
Then he twirled down to do a windmill. (It's a breakdance move. Google it because I suck at explaining.)
And he fell right off the edge of the Bounty. I knew he was too drunk off of cough syrup to summon his dragon.
I broke out into a sprint and used my elemental power. I turned into a dragon and launched myself off the side of the ship to see a mop of black hair rapidly falling.
I roared out in dragon. I started flying down faster.
I was on the verge of crying. It would be my fault the earth ninja died the terrible death of trying to impress his almost girlfriend by breakdancing. His gravestone is probably going to be engraved with.
"Cole Brookstone 1999-2018
He was trying to impress Y/N and was too drunk off of cough syrup and never had done a windmill in his life."
Would that even hit on a gravestone?
I sure hope so because he was falling pretty fast. After a few more seconds of torture to my mind I finally caught Cole.
"oooOooh. Y/Nnn? Is that you? You're such a pretttyy dragoon!"
He said with a massive slur. He literally passed on my back once I got him secured.
I was going to kill the man once he was better.
I finally reached the deck of the Bounty and Jay was laughing his ass off.
"Did you see him try to windmill and fall off the side of the shop? Hilarious."
He said wiping tears from his eyes.
I laid Cole down and turned back into a dragon. Except for my hand. I went over and gave Jay a good smack because his brother almost died, then turned my hand back to normal.
While I carried Cole to his room Jay followed me and whined about how much his cheek hurt.
I laid Cole down in the bed and tucked him and kissed his feverish forehead.
"Sleep well."
I whispered.
"oHhhh i WiLl nOWw wiTh a kIsS fROm yOu!"
He exclaimed fighting the tight tuck I had made in his bed.
"yOu knOw I LOVE yOu!"
He called as I left the bedroom.
I stiffened and he died laughing because he got a reaction out of me.
I shook it off.
It was probably the cough syrup talking.
Cole had been sick for a week and I went in and took care of him everyday. On the very last day I went in.
"Hey Y/N."
Cole said trying to forget about the awkward moments of the last week.
"Hey Cole."
I replied smoothly.
"Can I ask you something?"
I questioned. He turned up to me.
"Yeah. Anything."
He answered. He patted the side of his bed next to him and I sat down.
"Did you mean the "I love you's" you said last week?"
I said bitting my lip.
He groaned. My heart shattered into a million pieces. He didn't mean it.
"No! I didn't mean it like that!"
He said like he read my mind.
"I wish I would've told you some other way."
He breathed out.
I smiled.
"Well, I still enjoyed it! I found it quite funny actually. You were-"
He cut my off mid sentence. His lips pressed softly onto mine. Like he didn't want to break me.
I pulled back smiling.
"Yuck. You taste like cough syrup."
I said with a grin.
We both burst out laughing.

I hope you enjoyed this!

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