Procedure room sequel thingy -lloyd-

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So you read the very first thing that you see in this book? The first chapter? Of course, you did. Well, this is a sequel to it. This actually is happening to me again. Enjoy my actual suffering, the reader suffering, and the fluff.

Strings of cuss words went through my head as I went back to the place that hurt me. The clinic. And guess what? It's just my luck that I have another ingrown nail. The doctor who did it the first time wasn't the smartest at all so he, of course, couldn't tell. Lloyd and Kai were with me this time so it was going to be slightly better. I hope. Ever since Kai burnt my converse the first time it happened we've become best friends. He's my 2nd best friend. My 1st is the one and only green ninja. We've always been close, so it's just kind of been a natural thing. No biggie. The heat intensified when we slept with me. Not doing anything dirty just laying together as friends. Nothing big. It was when the first one was cut. So I'm kinda hoping it won't be that bad again.
I was signing in while they were staring around the waiting room. Dozens of people sick, from the flu, it's been going around, always does this time of year. I scolded them on the way here that they better not touch anything. They both nodded in silent agreement. I took a seat in the once again uncomfortable chairs of the room. Many people gave me dirty looks. I just kinda shrugged them off. I was the ninja of light, no dirty looks bother me. They finally called me back, mispronouncing my name in the process. Earning an eye roll from all 3 of us. It always happened. The nurse was leading me back to the scales. I took a deep breath. I could do this.

-Lloyd POV-
We got to the ugliest place on earth. Or just in Ninjago. The public clinic. This place absolutely sucked. I, Y/N, and Kai were the only ones without flu in the whole clinic. People kept giving her dirty looks. Ugh. Such jerks. If they knew who she was, they wouldn't be doing it. We were just signing in at the time though. Y/N turned around and walked towards the chairs. I and Kai silently followed. We never came here, never sick, never had a reason. We took a seat in waiting for chairs. As many as people who sit here you would think they were more comfortable, but no. She shifted in her seat nervously, her leg bouncing up and down. I was about to whisper to her it was going to be okay, but the nurse called her name. Incorrectly at that. That earned an eye roll from all 3 of us. They always mispronounced it. She was headed to the scales were she would be weighed and they would get her height. Kai leaned over to me while they were weighing her.
"So I heard that you slept with her huh?"
This certainly got my attention.
I whisper, shouted back.
"Who told you that kind of bull?"
I added.
He nodded towards where you were standing.
I sighed.
"We didn't actually "sleep together" I literally laid in bed with her because she asked of me, and was in a generally bad place."
He got excitement out of this. Get got bait.
The nurse and Y/N headed to the small room that they would take care of her in. I just followed Kai trailing behind. Snickering at the newfound info.
"Bad place? Please explain."
He asked with a grin.
We made our way into the room. Y/N was sitting on the desk bed thingy, (I have no idea what you call this), Kai swerved around me and took the big seat leaving me with no chair. I glared at him.
"Next time you'll get the tiny or no chair."
He just shrugged.
The nurse sat and fiddled with the computer.
"Well, this one isn't working let's move into another room."
Y/N got up and followed the nurse. I lifted myself from leaning on the wall and followed, Kai, got up and was the end to our string.
He elbowed me in ribs. It meant, tell me.
"She literally came into my room at 3 am, crying, crying so hard she couldn't speak. She pointed to her toe. Her painkillers wore off, so I got her some of those and laid her down in her bed. Right as soon as I was going to leave she whispered to sleep with her. She said her bed was big enough it wasn't going to be awkward and it wasn't. She fell asleep after that. Didn't wake up again."
I breathed out. We went into the room. Y/N took her place again, there was a big chair which I claimed and Kai was left to a tiny red Lightning McQueen chair. I snickered as he tried to sit in it. He hated standing.
Y/N turned to me, then to Kai, and snickered as he finally made it into his tiny chair. His long legs extending out as a tripping hazard but no one needed to get where we were anyway.
The nurse told Y/N that the doctor would be with her shortly.
She soon left. Y/N turned to us. She died laughing when she finally looked at Kai.
"Oh my goodness."
She said between laughs.
"This is the best thing ever.
"Not as good as you sleeping with Lloyd."
She rolled her eyes to this.
"Got a problem with us being friends huh, Kai?"
This shut him up.
"Good. Cause we are."
This really shut him up. He stared at his converse while we waited for the doctor.
He walked in.
He said with a very thick Filipino accent.
He continued to ask questions like with pain, and she showed him her foot, and he responded,
"It's infected, I cannot cut it today or you could have an infection of the bone below it."
She was caught off guard by this.
She said slowly.
"Will you cut the whole nail out?"
She asked.
"Yes, I will not be cutting down to the nail bed so I will regrow."
She still looked sad and frustrated.
"I will put you on antibiotics for the next 10 days. Then come back and see me."
She nodded.
He gave her a prescription note and we left. Kai rescheduled the appointment at the front desk while I walked with Y/N.
"It's okay."
I whispered to her in the parking lot.
She just shook her head wearing the same hurt expression.

10 days later........

Cliff hanger! Cause I haven't been back to the doctor yet. I go back this Thursday so except this maybe Thursday or Friday.

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