Lloyd x reader -its so over is head, you know that right?-

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Only warning, in the video, it has nothing to do with the story but be warned if you sit there and watch it, the content flashes! You are warned.
F/vg- favorite video game.
Don't have one? Just think of one.

You have the power of aerokinesis. You can control the air with your mind. You have no relation with Morro.

She's my best friend and nothing has changed. But your feelings clearly have.

Hi! My name is Y/N and I'm the master of aerokinesis. The power of the wind with my mind. I have literally no idea where my powers came from so no explanation for that. I'm here to talk about my friendship with my best friend, Lloyd Garmadon. He's absolutely the best. He's funny, caring, sweet, and overall awesome. And yes, I've had a crush on him building up. It's been forming over the last 2 years that I've been with the team. Lloyd and I have just always been the closest. Video game friends, he sits and watches as I play through f/vg and laugh at me when I screw up, cheer me on when I succeed. I've cheered for him on the battlefield as well as in video games. My powers as useful in battle, but if I can't concentrate, it's no use. (Cue Silver from Sonic 06' 😆)
That's only happened once. He left the rest of the team to calm me down so I could use my powers since I was always a big help.
Today was an off day. We were just hanging around the bounty enjoying the day off from training.
Of course, everybody was doing their own thing. Cole was eating an entire 6 layer cake by himself, Kai was in the chair next to the big couch, checking Twitter adoring over his fans, Jay was working on the Bounty actively as it was flying, Zane was cooking, Nya was off somewhere, and Lloyd was sitting next to me on the couch. We were playing Mario Kart. And I was currently beating him, playing as Blue Yoshi he was just cute, and Lloyd was Luigi. I don't think he actually knows about Mario but just plays since he gets the basic concept of the game. I crossed the finish line raising my hands up in victory and putting my controller. He finished 2nd. He just smiled at me.
"Good job, you won't get me next time."
He announced being as cocky as Kai.
"I'll see that green ninja!"
I smiled back. I was so happy like high off of it, (don't do drugs) that I started using my powers and swooshing his hair around with the air. Styling it differently. Making it look dumb. Just whatever came to mind. His hair was always something I loved about him. It was always so perfect no matter how it looked. Unless it was a bowl cut, that was cringy. He laughed at his hair flying everywhere and knew it was me.
"Having fun huh?"
He said watching his hair swoosh everywhere.
"Yeah way too much. Y'know, your hair looks perfect anyway, anytime."
I told him.
Then it hit me. Holy crap. I just complimenting him in like a flirting way. Wow. Wow.
He laughed slightly.
"Yeah, I guess so."
He just shrugged.
"Well, I'm going to the kitchen to get some snacks, want any?"
He asked.
"Nah, I'm good thanks for asking."
He nodded and got up and left. Kai got up with his eyes glued to his phone and shut the door connecting the kitchen and living room.
"He's an idiot y' know?"
He announced sitting back into his chair.
This caught my attention.
"Excuse me?"
I turned to him. His phone off and laying on the arm of the chair.
"You know exactly what I'm talking about Y/N. You just flirted with him and I went over his head."
I smiled sheepishly knowing exactly what he was talking about.
"I know."
I replied finding an amazing New interest in the floor.
"Hey, I'll go talk some sense into him for you? Okay?"
He hinted.
I watched him open the door and quickly close it. Nya came in through the door to the rooms.
"Hey Y/N whatcha doing?"
She told me.
I sighed.
"Waiting for your brother to come back from taking some sense into Lloyd."
She smiled.
"Yeah, everything goes over that kid's head."
"You know too!?"
I exclaimed to be shushed, quickly.
"Everybody knows except him."
I groaned.
"He's so nonchalant sometimes."
She laughed and smiled.
"It's true."

-Lloyd POV-
Y/N crossed the finish line in Mario Kart, she's pretty good at this. I finished 2nd.
"Good job, you won't get me next time."
I told her.
Smiled her dazzling smile back.
"I'll see that green ninja!"
I smiled back at her. She had this huge smile on her face. I'm glad to see her happy, seeing her at her lows makes you appreciate these times.
She started playing with my hair. With her powers. Styling it, just flipping it, everything imaginable. It didn't bother me. My hair was the art of I just woke up like this. Literally.
"Having fun?"
I asked her.
Yeah way too much. Y'know, your hair looks perfect anyway, anytime."
She smiled back.
She was always too nice.
I laughed.
"Well, I'm going to the kitchen to get some snack, want any?"
I asked her.
"Nah, I'm good thanks for asking."
With that, I got up and walked to the doorway to the kitchen seeing Cole consume a huge cake. The door behind me quickly shut. I just shrugged it off.
Zane and Cole both stopped what they were doing and stared at me as I was getting snacks.
I asked raising an eyebrow.
"You are so dumb."
Cole said.
"What he means to say is, you are not noticing things."
I rolled my eyes.
"Like what?"
"Like Y/N."
Cole announced with a mouth full of cake.
"My friend, she is into you, flirts with you, and you don't even notice."
This caught me.
"You aren't serious. She's my best friend, nothing between us has changed you guys."
I told them, confident in my answer.
"Her feelings for you, and your feelings for her have."
Zane informed me.
"You are nonchalant. You don't notice her."
Cole added. Everything came to me. All of our memories. Everything. The last thing was just a few seconds ago when she complimented my hair. It was more flirting than complementing. This hit me like a brick wall.
"Oh, I'm so stupid."
I groaned.
The door opened and shut quickly again. To reveal Kai.
"Kai? Do I let Y/N go over my head."
I asked. Hoping he would say no, but I already knew the answer.
"Oh good, you guys talked some sense into him."
He told the other 2 ninjas.
I groaned again.
"Am I the only one who didn't know about this?"
They all nodded.
I groaned once again.
"I've got to go tell her, that I wanna be her boyfriend and I'm sorry and all this mumbo-jumbo don't I?"
"Maybe not boyfriend that's a personal choice, but yes the rest would be great."
Zane told me.
I sighed and opened the door to the living room. Nya walked out,
"Go get her tiger."
She told me with finger guns. (Btw I love finger guns.)
I closed the door.

Nya got up and walked out. And Lloyd walked in. Just the person I needed to see. I opened my mouth to speak when I was cut off.
"I know."
He told me.
He advanced towards my sitting spot.
"I feel so dumb for letting it go over my head as it did, and yes I feel the same way you do and everything. And I'll be your boyfriend if you want and-
I cut him short of his sorry speech.
With a kiss.
That he was not expecting.
It was short but got my point though.
"So that's a yes?"
He asked.
I nodded.
All of the ninjas walked through.
"Ha Jay! You owe me 10 dollars!"
Kai announced with a proud smirk.
"You guys bet on us?"
Lloyd asked for me.
"Not on both of you but when Lloyd would find out and finally kiss you, so yeah."
I rolled my eyes.

That's it!

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