Procedure room -part 3-

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Here is the long awaited sequel my dudes. I hope you enjoy.

So, this time I was going back to actually get my toe cut. And I wasn't the most excited. I've been treating my toe well and everything but the thought of not having a nail was just kinda scary. Kai and Lloyd were both coming with me this time around instead of flying solo. I was glad too. I was called back right away and glad too because everybody had the flu around this time of year. I was immediately taken to the procedure room. No dilly dally today. I was laid down on the bed in the room as the nurse began sterilizing my toe.
"Let me guess, your brothers?"
I laughed slightly at this. So did Kai, but Lloyd wasn't really a sibling.
I pointed to Kai.
"This one is."
Then I pointed to Lloyd.
"This one is my best friend."
I turned back to the nurse. What I didn't notice was Lloyd getting sad because I literally just friend-zoned him hardcore.
"The Doctor will be in here in a minute."
She walked out and closed the door. Kai took to the wall and went into wall sit formation since there was no chairs in this room. I sat there, breathing, trying to keep my anxiety from crawling up inside. Little sparks of little flew from my hands as the door opened. It revealed my doctor.
He said with his very thick accent.
I sorta waved from the bed. I hit Lloyd, it was a signal to introduce himself.
"I'm Lloyd Garmadon."
He held out his hand to shake the doctors.
"Nice to meet you."
Kai got up from the wall and nodded.
"I'm Kai Smith."
The doctor nodded back.
"Well what's your pain been like?"
He asked.
I stared blankly. I could see Lloyd out of the corner of my eye cringe. I hadn't told him about all the pain I'd been in the last week.
"Well let's get this over with shall we?"
I nodded to him. He started putting gloves on. He didn't have anything over his clothing like the last guy. He seemed smarter in every possible way than the last guy.
Firstly, he put a rubber band around my toe and cut off the circulation so it wouldn't bleed so bad. Smart.
Second, he put a cloth that just had my toe sticking out on foot. Again, smart.
"Here's the worst part, the numbing shots. You got these with your first ones correct?"
I nodded.
"I am going to give you two. I will hit the main sensors then you won't be able to feel a thing."
I nodded again, at a loss for words.
He told the room.
Lloyd and Kai grasped both of my hands. Burning hot light searing through my veins and threatening to light up the whole room. I knew Kai didn't mind the heat of the light, but something else bothered him. It was probably my intense grip. I probably could've broken his hand if I squeezed it any harder. He cringed as I let out a hard squeeze on his hand. Then there was Lloyd. His palm was going to be seared. I felt really guilty about this, but I couldn't control myself when I was scared. He hand was being squeezed about 1,000 times harder than Kai's was. He told me he didn't mind. I really hope he didn't because these shots hurt. Tears streaming down my cheeks my anxiety getting the best of me.
"Here's the last one."
The tears streaming down my cheeks had the tiniest hints of gold in them. They carried light in them. I found this odd, I've never done this before.
"And all done with the shots."
I could finally breathe again once he told me that. I let go of Kai's hand but softened my grip on Lloyd's.
"Let's get that nail out."
I was eager to see what was happening but didn't want to know. Kai turned away, there most of been something that was highly unpleasant. He could never take blood well.
My toe nail was being cut at and wiggled at. It was all so strange.
"And the nail is finally out. You had 3 layers of nail."
I rose my eyebrows from the 3 layer part, that was gross.
"You can take it home if you want."
The nurse suggested.
"Nope I'll let the trash have it."
The tossed my toenail.
"Well, I'll have to use silver nitrate to cauterize the main blood vessels from bleeding."
So he got this tiny machine and turned it on and burnt the ends of the tiny blood vessels. He put a patch of gauze on it, wrapped a bandage around it, and that was that.
"Thank you Doc."
Kai said smiling at the man who had just brutally pulled out my toe nail. We scheduled our next visit and went in our way.
This time we took our dragons home. We weren't that far from the bounty but as we ascended and got closer to the bounty my toe started aching. So I sat on the back of Lloyd's dragon with my leg propped up in the air. It probably looked weird to the people on the street but I honestly didn't care. Once we arrived I was helped off by Lloyd, and hobbled in the front door, it was pretty late so dinner was ready when we waltzed in.
"So how was it?"
Jay asked.
"Y'know, just missing a toe nail, that's about it."
I breathed sarcastically.
He nodded and continued to play the game he was so into.
We sat down and ate dinner as a team. I was wildly avoiding my foot being stepped on.
After I finished my meal I announced I was going to bed. I took the pain killers with me. I've had experience here kids. It was late so it wasn't that hard trying to go to sleep just my toe was sensitive to everything, so that sucked. I finally found myself going to sleep.

-Around midnight-
I woke up. Wild pain. It was throbbing it was just a constant hurt. And it was my toe. I threw off the covers, the same tears with bits of lights rolling down my cheeks. I knocked on Lloyd's door. I found myself in a helpless position once again.
"Can you come sleep with me?"
His face clearly still 75 percent asleep agreed with me. He picked me up and walked me back to my room. He gave me painkillers, a glass of water, and a kiss on forehead before snuggling close to me.
"I'm here."
He whispered.
I nodded.

I woke up next to Lloyd Garmadon, my best friend. His blonde hair threw everywhere.
I lightly tapped him.
"Good morning."
I whispered.
"Good morning."
He replied rubbing the sleep out of his eyes.
"Hey Lloyd?"
I asked.
He responded.
"Will you be my boyfriend?"
It was silent in the room for awhile.
"I thought I was supposed to ask."
He laughed.
"It's 2018 Lloyd. Anything goes."
He thought for a minute.
"Alright, then yes."
He kissed me on the lips delicately. The sweet fast of candy even though he hadn't had any in awhile, blissed my lips. He continued to kiss me. On the forehead, on the neck, it was all so nice. I glanced at the time. It was around noon.
"Holy crap!"
I slept for a long time. Lloyd didn't seem to mind he just continued kissing me.
"Lloyd I have to go manage the basketball game! I gotta go."
I turned to him. He was frowning.
"Really I've been your boyfriend for 5 minutes and your gonna leave me?"
I shrugged.
"I promised I would."
He told me. I got dressed in the bathroom while Lloyd wandered around my room.
I put a sock on my nail-less foot and went to my basketball teams game.

-time skippy-
About during the 3rd quarter of the game, Lloyd walked in. He walked over to where you were even though he really wasn't allowed to.
"Being water girl huh?"
He asked as he shoved his hands into his pockets.
I nodded. I was incredibly bored.
"Well, I've got some flowers back at the Bounty that need watering. Do you think you could help me out?"
He smirked. I raised an eyebrow.
"I think I could."
"Then let's go."
He picked me up and I wrapped my legs around his waist, he carried me out of the gym.
Needless to say the flowers on the Bounty never got watered but, my lips watered for more kisses from Lloyd.

That last line is super cheesy. Well I hoe you enjoyed this.

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