Lloyd x Reader -no pants-

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Heyy hit me up if you can make book covers. Please.

Nya had put all of this lotion on my legs and insisted it has to dry before I could put my denim shorts back on.
I whined.
"I can't just walk around the Bounty with no pants on!"
I added.
"Sure you can. The guys are training right now. They won't see you. I'm sure of it. And plus, you have a nice ass."
I blushed. It was a compliment coming from my best friend, and I usually didn't get compliments about my ass.
"Well I'm going to lock myself in the basement and play some Super Smash Bros."
I huffed. Ignoring the previous comment.
"Smash Bros?"
Nya said wriggling her eyebrows suggestively. She knew I had a crush on Lloyd and would always bother me about it. Lloyd was too stoic and not interested to notice me. I was a stuttering mess around the big hunk. I was a mess anytime but you get it.
I stormed away to below deck where we kept our old video game consoles. The Wii U happened to be down there. Our Switch was upstairs in the living room. I crept down below being careful not to make a noise to I wouldn't be noticed. I switched on the lights and latched the door shut and locked it. None of the boys were competent enough to unlock the door and the latch.
I laid my shorts out on our sofa because I wasn't about to sit in just my underwear on the sofa. That was beneath me.
The lotion needed to dry for 30 minutes so I started the timer on my phone and switched on the console. I unplugged it and sat down on top of the shorts. I'm sure the boys have sat on this in just their underwear before but I wasn't them.
I started playing team matches online.
We went into sudden death. My hands shaking with my grasp on the controller.
I hadn't noticed that the latch and lock had been blown off the door and a person walked in.
A low voice commented.
I let out a high pitched shriek. When I turned around and saw who it was.
I squeaked out.
"What are you doing down here?"
I asked twirling a piece of my hair. I had a death grip on the shorts I was sitting on. He advanced towards me.
I shouted out. Waving my hands rapidly.
He said rolling his eyes.
He was a few feet from rounding the corner. And coming into full view and seeing me without my shorts on.
Why did I listen to damn Nya!
"You can't come over here!"
I said overly flustered.
He sighed.
He asked me.
"Because I've got a surprise!"
I uttered out too fast.
He shrugged.
I was going to hate myself after this.
"Turn around and close your eyes."
I taunted.
I'm going to hate myself.
Like a smart person I should've just put on my shorts and slipped out but alas I'm not.
He turned around.
"I'll tap on your shoulder when I'm ready."

-Lloyd's POV-
The girl that trained with us sometimes and was Nya's best friend. Y/N. I had a small crush on her and I could tell she had a huge one on me. She was a stuttering, blushing, mess around me and I found it adorable.
I turned around when she instructed me to.
"I'll tap on your shoulder when I'm ready."
She informed me.
I nodded to myself. The surprise was probably going to be something adorable. Knowing her.
She tapped my shoulder and I turned around and opened my eyes.
I had to stop my nose bleed as my hand flew to my nose. Blood flooded to my cheeks.
She grinned up at me.
"You like what you see?"
She taunted. She didn't have any pants on and a pretty tight shirt that showed off all of her features.
She was practically perfect.
I nodded swiftly still holding my hand to my nose.
She said inching closer to me.
"Because I like what I see."
She purred. It was like she was under a spell. This was completely different behavior than I had ever seen in her.
And I liked it.
"Oh do you?"
I asked with a smirk.
She nodded and looked up to.
She trailed her tiny fingers upon my jawline. She then got on her tip toes and kissed my lips. It was soft and sweet.
And I wanted more.
But she walked past me. Towards the door.
"Wait! Please put on your shorts!"
I called out.
She turned to me with her shorts still in hand.
"Because I'm the only one who should see you like that."
I added.
She smirked.
"Also. You have a nice ass."
She turned around and became the stuttering mess I loved her as.
She mumbled and walked out. With her shorts on.

I hope you liked this!

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