Lloyd x reader -things that have been done-

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Warning!- cutting, and mentions of suicide.
My boyfriend had been possessed about 2 months ago.
At the tea shop he fought Morro. He fought his possession strongly in the beginning. It was about a 50 50 rule of his body. The longer the possession was on Lloyd the weaker he got. This brings us to the waterfall. Morro has unpossessed Lloyd so we would trade him for the realm crystal. Kai threw him the realm crystal flaming hot. I don't know how it burned Morro because he was a ghost but that's beyond me.
He dropped Lloyd into the water below.
I screamed, as I dove into the ice cold water.
I got my boyfriend and placed him on the edge. Kai dived after the realm crystal. I didn't care. I was too concerned about Lloyd.
I breathed out. He coughed up some water, and his eyes fluttered open.
Emerald eyes stared up at me, he cracked a slight smile.
He said as coughed again.
I hugged him.
"I thought I'd never get to see you again!"
I cried as I hugged him.
"It's okay."
He said as he soothed me. He ran his fingers through my hair weakly.
Wait, this was supposed to be the other way around. I was supposed to be soothing him.
I laughed through my tears and started stroking his hair.
"I'm supposed to be soothing you. You've been possessed for 2 months babe."
I said as I just looked at him. I could do this for hours.
His eyes widened.
"2 months?"
He asked with an edge on his voice. His eyes darted around the cave. Like he was looking for somebody, he was scared. It was like someone had hurt him while he was possessed.
About a week or so later after Morro was finally defeated we had some down time.
Me and Lloyd's rooms were across the hall from each other so I was pretty close to him at all times.
A scream echoed through the bounty. And it didn't belong to me.
I flung open my door and darted into the hall.
I heard heavy breathing from Lloyd's room so I opened the door and peaked in.
Emerald eyes shone in the dark. Streams of moonlight coming through his shades were the only thing illuminating the room.
"Something wrong Lloyd?"
I whispered. The others probably thought it was somebody else or somebody had it covered.
I had it covered.
Or so I thought. I wasn't ready for what was about to unfold in front of me.
"Y-yeah. Can we...talk?"
He asked shakily.
"Of course."
I whispered again. I walked softly over to his bed and sat down. His covers not even on his bed. The were strung into the floor.
I held his hand. It was trembling.
"I had a nightmare."
Lloyd whispered.
I was shocked. He was the green ninja. People wouldn't think that he was vulnerable.
But he was.
Tears streamed down his face.
"Morro. Poisoned my mind and my body."
He mumbled. His pulled up his sleeve and lit his hand on fire.
There was scars up his arm, some of them pretty fresh. There were bruises around the ones near his elbow.
I clamped my hand over my mouth to prevent me from screaming and crying. It was horrible.
"He didn't let me have food or water. And he cut me. He did it so I would become weaker and I couldn't fight his possession."
He got choked up.
"You wouldn't believe how much blood I lost."
He finished and rubbed his arm and shook his hand so the flame went out.
"I am so sorry Lloyd."
I breathed out and dragged his sleeve down. I couldn't stand to see them.
"He poisoned my thoughts. He told me to..kill myself."
He whispered and clenched his fist. Silent tears streamed down my cheeks.
"Don't do that."
I said as I squeezed his hand.
"I won't."
He whispered in the completely silent room.
I silently cried and hugged him.
The things Morro had done to him.
Nobody can undo it.

Hey I hope you enjoyed it.

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