Lloyd x Reader -school drama-

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B/n- brothers name
Please let me enlighten you why I just screeched as I opened my locker at school.
Lloyd Garmadon and my older brother were best friends. They even had a kinda bromance thing going on for them. Anyways, I was sitting next to my brother as he was Snapchatting Lloyd. I'd had some feelings for Lloyd but none serious enough to pursue them. Their Snapchat conversation consisted of
Lloyd: I need to tell you something
B/n: okay, what is it?
Lloyd: I don't think you'll like me after I tell you.
B/n: I don't care, just tell me.
Lloyd: I'll tell you tomorrow at school.
B/n: I'll hate you even more if you don't tell me right now.
Lloyd: I know you'll probably hate this but I like someone.
B/n: Okay. Who is it.
Lloyd: Y/N.
You were sitting right next to him as he read the text out loud. You'd had your suspicions before this that maybe he liked you but you got over it.
"Oh shit."
Is all you said.
~flashback end~
Lloyd Garmadon was a pretty popular guy at my school. He was hard to miss. He gotten more attractive ever since he moved and came back freshman year. He was a junior and I was a freshman.
The next day happened to be my birthday. I called and texted all my good friends the night before and asked them for advice. I was still freaked out but they helped me resolve the problem. My brother drove me to school, I got multiple phone calls on the way to school telling me happy birthday from relatives, or my friends I would be seeing in five minutes. When I passed by him in the hall nothing was said. I just kept walking. A bunch of people told me happy birthday in the hall. It was nice. When I finally reached my locker, my best friend was standing there along with all my other good friends. One of my friends was leaned up against the front of my locker.
"Can you move please?"
I asked.
"This is your locker?"
He asked kinda jokingly.
I nodded.
He moved out of the way and I opened my locker to be greeted by drawings my friend had made for me. I smiled and thanked her and pulled down everything to be greeted with a birthday gift. It was nice and had all the good stuff in it. I placed my books into my locker and there was a bag of skittles there. It had a sticky note attached to it. It read
"Happy birthday Y/N. Y/A looks great on you!"
It was written in semi decent handwriting. It kinda had a slant on it. I suspected it was his handwriting but I wasn't sure. So later that day I asked B/N if it was Lloyd's.
"Nope. It's too neat to be Lloyd's. Trust me."
And I trusted him. So I asked my English teach later that whose handwriting it was. She had graded dozens of papers and I ran down and ripped the paper off of the skittles and ran into her class.
"Hey can you tell whose handwriting this is?"
I asked.
I handed her the sticky note.
"Oh yeah this is Lloyd's."
My heart sank to the bottoms of my stomach. My best friend was laughing in the back of the room. I blushed madly and retreated to the back of the room and took me seat.
Later that day, we had the same class together. And I was freaking out. I walked through our school's metal shop, we made eye contact and I tried not to make it noticeable. I walked into the wood shop and twiddled my thumbs.
The bell rang and I walked out of the wood shop and I was alone. Lloyd was messing with a piece of wood that had wood stain on it. I think it was a cornhole board in the making.
He said as he put down the cloth he was using to rub the wood stain on the board.
I said as I twirled a strand of hair around my finger.
Lloyd was about 6'1", blond, emerald eyes, and totally ripped. What was not to like?
"Look, let me tell you something. I "like like"you. If that makes any sense."
He said tripping himself up in the end. I smiled at him.
"Yeah. I "like like" you too."
I told him using the air quotes.
We smiled at each other. I awkwardly laughed. "So, I guess we're a thing now?"
He asked, rubbing his finger with around on e table.
I said playing with the cover of my book.
I walked over there and leaned in for a kiss.

"Son of a bitch I got a splinter!"

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