Lloyd x Reader -snowballs-

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So you guys heckled me for writing such depressing stuff so here's some fluff for all you kids who said quit being depressing.

It was winter in New Ninjago City. Everybody has ruled out the possibilities that it would snow this year. I was kinda sad because me and my good friend Lloyd wanted a good wholesome snowball match against Kai and the others.
Especially Kai.
That cocky bastard.
Well, we had been watching Christmas movies as a big dysfunctional family lately. Zane promised if it didn't snow he would create snow to cover the Bounty. Which I was thankful for that man. He could make killer French toast and snow.
What else could you want?
But, I didn't see Zane like that. He was a caring older brother type. And I was great with that.
Kai was the cocky arrogant older brother figure who always said "Bet." To any statement that anyone made. The only bet I want to hold up on is that me and Lloyd could so totally beat him at a snowball fight.
I was sure of it.
Jay was the fun brother that played video games with me. He would try to beat my high score in multiple games, but if he ever did, he would have to try again 5 seconds later. This is because, I already beat his shoddy "high score". It was fun to see him struggle.
And Cole. Cole was a pretty vital brother to me. If that makes any sense.
He was the one I could go and vent to about other things... that would be going on with me. He was blunt and gave good advice.
And now to my favorite Ninja, Lloyd. He was the reason I had to go vent to Cole. He was the guy who could get the blood rush to my cheeks, make me nervous and trip on words, and twirl tiny strands of hair around my finger. Putting it simply, Lloyd Montgomery Garmadon was the man I had a huge crush on. We crafted a beautiful friendship over the years we had been friends. But I craved something more. A relationship.
But I was too shy to say anything.
It was pretty late at night. We just finished off another Christmas movie. I was pretty tired, we spent most of the day watching cheesy Christmas movies but I didn't mind. I was just tired.
"I'm off to bed."
I announced as I got up from the couch and yawned. They all kinda laughed as I gave up and retreated down the hall to my room.
There was a sign on my door, "Y/N's room. Knock before entering."
I smiled as I read the sign. I quickly changed into my pjs and tucked myself under the covers. I instantly drifted off to sleep.
~timeskip to the morning~
I woke up shivering. Sunlight streamed through my windows but I was cold. I put a blanket around myself and walked over to my window. Frost crept up my window. I rubbed it away with my sleeve and looked down at the city. A thick blanket of white covered everything.
It was truly beautiful. I don't think Zane did this.
I put on an oversized sweater that was navy blue and had a yellow atom on it. (Anybody get this reference?)
Some black sweat pants, and fuzzy socks.
It's better to be warm than cold.
I quietly made my way down the hall encase anybody else on the team was asleep.
A warm sweet smell enticed me to the kitchen. There was the whole team sitting at the table waiting for me. A high stack of pancakes had heat rising off of them still. I don't think they had to wait too long. My seat, in between Lloyd and Kai, was open. Waiting for me.
I quickly jogged over to it and sat down. Zane's rule was everybody had to be sat down before we started eating.
"Good morning Y/N."
Lloyd whispered into my ear. I smiled.
"Good morning Lloyd."
I replied.
Kai scoffed as he shoved pancakes into his mouth.
"Got some perfect snow for a snowball fight."
I quietly mentioned as everybody ate in silence. Sensei smiled.
"I think it would be good to fight in such cold weather. And good fun to watch. You have my approval."
He nodded as he sipped on his cup of Chai tea. Collective cheers came from everybody at the table.
"Okay, it's going to be me, Nya, and Jay on a team."
Kai announced. I thought about the idea. Yeah I think I could beat that.
Lloyd, from beside me said
"Oh yeah, then it'll be me, Y/N, and Zane on a team."
Kai thought for a moment.
"Zane's element is ice! You have an unfair advantage."
He said after taking a long sip of coffee. I rolled my eyes.
"You can literally melt snowballs."
I countered back. So could Lloyd but I don't think he would think that far.
He nodded.
"Yeah I'm pretty awesome."
He said as he traced his fingers around his coffee mug. I turned to Lloyd and smiled.
"See y'all outside in 10 minutes!"
Nya called out as she put her dishes in the sink. Everybody followed in suit. Except for Cole. Who was eating, still.
"Can you do the dishes for me Brother?"
Zane asked Cole. Cole rolled his eyes.
He said as he pulled another pancake off the stack. I ran to my room and found all my snow gear. I was so ready to do this and finally beat Kai.
I geared up and went outside and found my other team members. Lloyd was making a protective wall for us to hide behind with his ice powers and snow. (I think he has all the elements. Get over it)
Kai probably would've called cheating, but he could melt everything we could throw.
Zane was making perfect sphere snowballs.
"What should I do?"
I asked Zane. I considered him our master strategist.
"You can help me make ammo."
He said as he made another pile of snow. I sat there and made odd shaped ones. I wasn't near as skilled in the ice department as my team members were.
Sensei was sitting in a lawn chair on the far side of the Bounty's deck.
"The rules are, you can use your powers, if you are hit, you are out. Got it?"
He called out to both of us.
I gave him the thumbs up.
"Alright. Then, let the game begin!"
He shouted. Immediately Zane launched himself into action. He pelted snowballs at like a hundred miles per hour. It was super fast.
He was pelting their barrier. I don't think it was near as sturdy as ours but holding up pretty well. Lloyd would pick up snowballs and concentrate for a moment before throwing them. The snowballs glowed with green energy and cracks in the barrier.
Jay was enhancing his snowballs with lightning and trying to break out barrier. I was throwing snowballs like the normal person I was.
Jay peeked his head up around the barrier and Lloyd pelted him in the back of the head as he slid back down.
"You are out Jay!"
Sensei yelled. 
Jay bowed his head in defeat and retreated to the side lines next to Sensei Wu. The back of his near the top of his neck was red and irritated. Probably from where Lloyd hit him.
Zane was in between the two forts still eating snowballs. Lloyd was trying to break their barrier with the brute strength he had. Kai and Nya were hiding behind it.
In about a split second, Nya popped up and pelted Zane in the leg.
"Noooo! Not Zane!"
I yelled.
"Zane, you are out."
He retreated back to our fort, and dropped all the snowballs he had in his arms.
"Best of luck you two."
He said as he went inside the Bounty.
I looked over at Lloyd.
"I'll get Nya and try to get Kai. You stay here and make more ammo."
He instructed me. I nodded swiftly and started packing snow together.
Lloyd rolled in the snow and popped up. He jumped up into the air and got good leverage and threw a snow ball at Nya.
It was truly beautiful.
He pelted Nya in the legs.
"Nya noooooo!"
Kai yelled pathetically.
"You are out Kai."
Sensei called out.
"I'll avenge you!"
Kai called out.
He quickly stood up and pelted Lloyd with a snowball.
"Nephew you are out!"
Sensei called. He retreated back to the fort. He had one snowball left that was enhanced.
"Take this. And good luck."
He smiled down at me.
"Lloyd. I need you!"
I called as he walked towards the sideline.
He turned back around and shrugged.
It was just me and Kai left.
I was determined to win. I had to avenge Lloyd.
"Come on our Y/N you aren't going to win."
Kai taunted in a sing song voice. I gathered a bunch of snowballs in my arms, including Lloyd's. I walked to the middle where Kai was standing. He had multiple snowballs in his arms like I did.
He threw one at me and I dodged. I threw the one Lloyd gave me. It sailed straight for his legs. He jumped and the snowball hit his fort. It made a whole in the fort.
"Ha Ha. You missed."
He taunted. I went to advance forward and fell onto my face.
Great going me.
I heard the typical "ooooooo" from the sideline.
"Looks like you're out of luck."
Kai said as he advanced towards me.
He pulled his arms back and was about to throw when I got a snowball from my pile and hit him in the foot. Didn't even have to throw it. I just taped his shoe.
"Kai you are out. Y/N's team wins."
Sensei called out as he started to walk back to the Bounty. I got up and dusted the snow off myself.
Kai fell to his knees and was probably debating his existence.
Me muttered as his head hung.
"All part of my plan."
I told him and walked into the Bounty.
The warm scent of gingerbread filled my nostrils. Zane came in and made cookies. Lloyd sat at the table with a plate of cookies and two cups of what I presumed to be  hot chocolate.
I went over there and stripped off all the winter coats I had on. I was left in my sweater and sweatpants. After I did that, I sat down next to Lloyd.
"Saw you won. That was pretty cool."
He said as he picked up a cookie and bit into it.
I said as I tucked a strand of hair behind  my ear. I picked up the mug. Whipped cream topped it off. I took a sip.
Zane always insisted that everything was homemade. Bless that titanium boy.
I looked over to Lloyd and he laughed at me.
"What do I have something on my face?"
I said as I sat my mug down.
"Yeah let me get it."
He answered. He leaned down and kissed me.
"Got it."
He smiled at me.
"Lloyd Montgomery Garmadon! You cheesy child."
I said as I lightly punched him in the arm.
"I love you Y/N."
He told me as he rubbed his fingers around his mug.
"I love you too Lloyd."

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