Lloyd x Reader -magic-

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This is gonna be different.
F/b- favorite book

Being the ninja of magic had its perks. Got to do cool tricks all the time. I had the ability to teleport, summon different kinds of magic, all of this cool stuff. And then it didn't have its perks.
I was sitting in my room reading Blood of Olympus (sorry to all you haters. It's great) I was deeply immersed in the story. They were talking about the different girls and guys they had on their team of 7 when, I felt a pair of hands shake my shoulders. I turned around cast a spell on whoever it was.
I screamed as I turned around. It was Lloyd.
My biggest crush ever.
I quickly bookmarked my place and turned to apologize to him.
"Lloyd I'm so sorry."
I said waving my hands rapidly. He laughed slightly and ran his hands through his hair.
"It's nothing Y/N. What spell did you even cast? Whatever it was it didn't hurt."
He laughed again. I could melt on the spot from his laugh. It was truly something amazing.
But I was hyped on adrenaline doing some crazy stuff.
I said as I ran my hand through my h/c hair. I sat there and thought for a minute. He silently waited.
"Honestly, I have no idea. I was in the middle of reading and when you scared me I just casted one without thinking. Sorry."
I laughed nervously.
He shrugged and waved his hand in dismissal.
"It's probably nothing big. I just came to ask if you wanted to come play Mario Kart."
He smiled. I put my book on my nightstand and walked out of my room after him. We played for the remaining part of the night. It was great. It was a war between who was going to get the most wins.
It was pretty late, I put down my controller and let out a yawn.
"I'm going to bed. Good night."
I waved to the team. I walked down the hall to my room and passed out. After the interaction with Lloyd, I was really tired.
~the next morning~
Sun shone through my window, waking me up. I got up, took a shower, and got dressed. I walked to the kitchen to get some breakfast. The room felt tense. I could sense it. I shrugged it off and sat down and started eating my breakfast. I picked up my cup of juice and choked on it when I spotted the girl sitting next to me.
~earlier that morning, in the boys shared room~
Cole, Kai, Zane, and Jay were all standing over the bed of the green ninja.
"Who is she?"
Kai asked as he examined the mop of platinum blonde hair that was thrown all over the green bed.
"Did he have a one night stand?"
Cole asked. Kai elbowed him in the ribs.
"He would never. He likes Y/N."
Kai answered. Cole snickered.
"Oh I sure hope he does. Where is he?"
Cole asked again. The figure in the bed shifted and got up. The green and gold striped pajamas hung off her frame.
"Good morning guys."
A soft voice greeted.
Jay's jaw practically hit the floor.
Kai was flabbergasted but his mouth was closed. Zane was amused. And Cole was thinking who is this beaut.
Nobody could mistake the emerald eyes that had the childlike shine in them.
It was Lloyd Montgomery Garmadon.
Kai asked.
She nodded as she stretched.
She didn't even notice.
"Go look in the mirror."
He instructed. She shrugged and got out of the bed and walked to their shared bedroom.
A loud slam noise could be heard. She slammed her fist against the counter. The ninja ran to see.
She had tears brimming the edges of her eyes.
"That's what it was."
She breathed out.
The main door to their room creaked open and Nya snuck into the bathroom to see what the commotion was. She had been awakened by the loud slamming noise.
"What's the deal you guys..."
Her sentence died off in the end.
There stood a girl who looked like Lloyd. Like was around 6 foot tall. This girl looked around 5 foot 8.
Long platinum blonde hair reached her mid back. She turned to Nya. She couldn't miss those green eyes anywhere.
It was Lloyd. Something happened.
"Okay, I figured this out on my own and what happened?"
Nya said while placing her hands on her hips.
"It's was Y/N. I scared her by accident yesterday and she cast a spell on me. Didn't know what it was. Now I do."
She answered. Her voice soft and light.
"Let's go get her to reverse this."
Jay butted in.
She shook her head. Platinum blonde hair swooshing everywhere.
"Nope. She was really tired last night. I want her to get her rest. I can wait until then."
She shrugged it off. None of them could say this wasn't Lloyd. Putting others before (now herself).
"Classic Lloyd."
Zane said.
They all left the small bathroom. Lloyd went with Nya and got proper clothing. She sat on the couch and played video games. Just because her body was different didn't mean she couldn't kick Jay's ass at video games.
~flashback end~
I started coughing rapidly. The girl was gorgeous but I wasn't into girls. (You can be you kids)
The emerald eyes that flashed at me.
It was Lloyd.
That was the spell I casted.
That was why I was so tired. That's a really difficult spell that I just did.
"Oh my goodness Lloyd. I'm so sorry."
I rapidly apologized.
She laughed.
That laugh was still amazing.
"It's okay."
She told me.
"When can you reverse it?"
I started coughing again. I cleared my throat.
"It'll wear off by tomorrow if not sooner."
I practically whispered.
She nodded in acknowledgment.
She said as she ate her breakfast.
Later that day we were going to go to NinBucks (Starbucks)
It was just me and her.
"So how is it?"
I asked as we entered the coffee shop.
"It feels weird. I have a few different parts."
She lightly coughed.
"But it's odd. I like girls still, my voice sounds different, and that's about it."
She told me as she stepped up to the counter and ordered a hot chocolate. We sat down at our table and they delivered our drinks. We talked for what felt like forever. She was so easy to talk to. I never felt this way when she was a boy. I was always a blushing stuttering mess. But when it was her, I was so fluid with my words. We had conversations about everything.
"Hey I've really enjoyed today. Thanks."
Lloyd told me.
"Yeah me too."
We started walking back to the Bounty. Still talking about random things.
Right as we got into the Bounty, she collapsed.
I yelled to the team to carry her to her bed.
"But she's a girl in a room full of guys."
Jay whined.
"She will be our until morning. Trust me."
I told him.
~the next morning. time skip brought to you by king k rool being in smash~
I was deep asleep when he shoulder was shook to wake up.
"Just a few more minutes."
I mumbled. A strong pair of hands grabbed my shoulder and sat me up in my bed.
I rubbed the sleep out of my eyes.
"Good morning."
I said.
I realized who it was.
It was Lloyd. Short blond hair, 6 foot tall, and totally ripped.
He was back.
I cried as I flung my arms around his neck.
He laughed.
"I thought I would never see this you again."
I mumbled into his shirt.
"You said I'd be back to normal by today."
He said as he pulled me out of the hug.
I laughed slightly.
"Yeah that was a guess that happened to be right."
I shrugged.
He rose his eyebrows.
He teased as he lightly punched me.
I whined.
"I'm sleepy."
I added.
"I've been waiting to do this for a long time."
He leaned in and kissed me.

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