Lloyd x Reader -barista-

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y'all wanted fluff. I hope you like this

C/o = coffee order
Being lactose intolerant was a problem. (welcome to my world)
I would go to a small cafe in Ninjago everyday and get coffee and some lunch.
The cafe wasn't very expensive so it worked with my right college student budget. The first day I went there I met a nice barista.
His name tag said Lloyd in very slanted cursive handwriting.
He smiled at me as I approached the counter.
"Hi welcome to NinBucks (Starbucks but not over priced) How May I help you today?"
He asked.
I smiled up at him. It was abnormal for oat coffee shop workers to be this nice. This boy was too pure for the environment he was currently stuck in.
I played with the long ends of my sweater nervously.
I always got nervous when I ordered non-dairy products anywhere. People would always scoff, roll their eyes, and put dairy in my meals or drinks.
It was hell.
So I got nervous ordering because I thought of the end of results.
"Uh can I get a c/o with almond milk please. Id you don't mind of course. I'm lactose intolerant. And-"
He cut me off since I was rambling.
"Sure. I don't mind at all. I understand. We all have allergies."
He smiled at me.
He punched into the register.
He rung it up.
"Okay that'll be 4.82. What's the name?"
I paid him with exact change to which he laughed at.
"What? I keep good change! And the names Y/N."
He spelt it out on the cup.
"Okay. Let me get that ready for you."
He smiled as he walked over and started making the coffee. I watched carefully as he poured in almond milk. I sighed in relief. He laughed.
His laugh was beautiful.
"Don't worry. I won't put milk in it by accident. Even thought I haven't worked here for very long I know my way around."
He told me.
I smiled and shook my head. He was too kind.
"Here's your drink Y/N."
He said as he handed me the drink.
"Thanks Luh-Lloyd."
I said making fun of his name.
He looked fake offended and pulled his name tag off his green apron.
"It clearly says Lloyd. Not Luh-Lloyd."
He said in a mocking tone. We both were silent for a minute and then started laughing.
"Okay. Thanks for making my drink Lloyd."
I told him as I walked to a table in the corner. I pulled out my laptop from my bag and started working. The aroma of coffee helped me work. It was a kind of smell that relaxed me and helped put me into a working mood.
I was about the third hour into working on my essay when the chair across from me was pulled out.
It got my attention and snapped me out of the reality I was stuck in working on my essay.
I looked up to shiny blond hair, a nice set of emerald eyes, and a kind smile.
"Just wanted to check on you. You've been sitting there non stop for three hours. You good?"
I looked up at him.
"Yeah. Just hyped focused I guess. Sorry for worrying you."
He laughed.
"No worries."
We started talking about how tight both of our college budgets were. He was attending a local university for martial arts. So we got to talking about that.
"You'll have to show me sometime! That sounds really legit!"
I said. I bet he thought I sounded like an excited five year old because that's sure what I felt like. I was excited that he could do so much cool stuff.
After this long talk we parted out separate ways and it started becoming an everyday thing. I would come in after my classes were over, get a coffee and talk to him after he was off his shift. It gave me some good time to work and it provided me a lot of joy since Lloyd was so much fun to talk to.
He also was fun to look at. He was absolutely stunning. No matter what attire.
He said he wanted to work here since they wore green and it was his favorite color.
This occurrence had been going on for awhile now and I went up to the register and asked for him to come serve me because I love to bug him.
The lady rolled her eyes.
"He'll be out in a minute. He's doing something right now."
I waited patiently for about 5 minutes and then he finally showed up.
"Where were you?"
I asked as he swiped his ID so he could ring me up.
He knew by this point what I was ordering.
"Well, I got you something special to make your experience better."
He said as he scratched the back of his neck nervously. I raised an eyebrow.
"Oh? What is it?"
I asked.
He smiled.
"You'll see."
He said as I paid for my drink and started making it.
He served it with whipped cream on top of it.
"Lloyd, you know I can't have whipped cream. It has dairy in it."
I said as I eyed the drink.
"Uh well that's the surprise. I bought you a special non dairy milk and made you some non diary whipped cream so you could enjoy your drink to the fullest."
He said as he handed the drink to me.
"Lloyd. You are too kind. Thank you good sir."
I told him as I sat down and started sipping my drink.
We talked again this afternoon. He had to leave a little early today and I was sad.
He said something about his brothers needing him. I shrugged it off.
I was excited to see him tomorrow.
The next day came fast. And I was happy for that.
I checked the name he wrote on my cup. The last week he has been getting really creative with nicknames.
This time it was scribbled in his hand writing which I had grown fond of.
It read
"Love you. Wanna be my girlfriend?"
I almost dropped the drink.
"It's okay if you don't feel the same way."
He said as he played with a ring he had adorning his middle finger.
I didn't notice until know a tiny whipped cream heart made on the top of the drink.
"Of course I feel the same!"
I said as I leaned awkwardly across the counter and hugged him since I was too short to kiss him from across the counter.
He laughed.
I swear by the first spinjitzu master his laugh would repetitively melt my heart.
He took off his spring and walked through the tiny doors and leaned down and kissed me.
It was short and sweet.
Everything I ever wanted.
And to say it all came from a stupid allergy one day and being lucky to have him as my barista.

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