Cole x Reader -jealous-

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This was a request from Sabela200
Requests are open

y/b/n- your boyfriend's name

Cole looked through his transparent hands and sighed.
"I'm a ghost."
He felt like collapsing to his knees and crying. He was a ghost.
He and the guys walked slowly back to the ship. Cole dragging his feet along the way but it didn't make any different. Everything his feet were supposed to hit something he just went through it.
They reached the Bounty and he walked in.
His girlfriend turned around. H/c swooshing around in a wave as she turned to me.
Cole had completely forgotten about you. He was too busy sulking. There was no back up plan to go to now. L
She turned around and smiled at him walked towards him. He walked towards her, and they met, he walked straight through her and all the way down his hall to his bedroom.
Without a word to his girlfriend of a year.
Y/N placed her hands on her hips.
"Why is he in such a bad mood? And why is he a ghost?"
She asked. Jay chuckled lightly trying to light the mood.
"We got caught in Yang's Hauntied Temple trying to get the Scroll of Airjitzu. And you get turned into a ghost if you're not out in time. We all made it out. Cole dropped the Scroll and retrieved it. Ergo, turning into a ghost."
Jay finished. Y/N had her shirt hem scrunched up in a ball in her hand.
"That explains it."
She mumbled and paced down the hall towards her boyfriend's room.
She lightly knocked on the door using their secret knock.
The secret knock was the one from Frozen of course.
It was the movie Cole took you to see when you became girlfriend and boyfriend.
"Go away  Y/N."
Cole called from the other side of the door.
"Cole, can we talk about it?"x
Y/N pleaded.
A pale green hand went through the door and mumbled a few curse words then retracted it and the door flew open.
It revealed his whole body to be the same pale green as the hand you previously saw. Your boyfriend's face was staring at the ground. His mop of messy black hair was still there but with the green tint.
He still looked amazingly handsome to you.
"You still look good Cole."
Y/N told him as she walked over and sat on his bed where he was. He shot up immediately as you sat down.
"Have you looked at me? I'm a ghost!"
He yelled. You winced back at the sudden volume.
You never liked being yelled at.
"I have. I still love you the way you are Cole."
You whispered.
"How can you love a ghost? I'm practically dead! Apparently you like the dead? I would've done this a long time ago if I had known!"
He turned and yelled in your face.
Tears pricked the outside of your e/c eyes.
"I don't have interest in the dead. I only do because your a ghost. Ghost or no ghost you are still my boyfriend."
You whispered once again trying not to loose it. Ghost couldn't touch water so you didn't want to cry.
But you thought you might.
"Seriously? You aren't seeing this! I thought you would see this of all people. I'm a ghost."
He replied. His tone a little louder than last time.
It was making me uncomfortable.
"I see that you're a ghost Cole. I'm sorry that I didn't know the world revolves around you. I never knew you were so selfish and couldn't except love from other people."
You poured out.
"Well I'm sorry I'm being selfish but incase you haven't noticed yet, I'm a ghost. It's a problem. I'm sorry I'm a little self absorbed lately."
He yelled.
You started crying. He hardly seemed to notice.
"A little? How about a lot. Please try to care a little about somebody else in the relationship coping with this."
He raised his hand.
And hit you.
It wasn't in his nature. But he still did it.
You yelped out in pain.
"We are over Brookstone. Goodbye."
You said holding your cheek while continuing to cry.
You opened the door and softly clicked it shut and walked out of the Bounty that day and never returned.

~present day~
Cole has been human again for about 6 months and couldn't be happier.
Except for one thing.
He missed Y/N so much. Her soft delicate hair. Her beautiful laugh. The sparkle in her e/c eyes. She was practically perfect and he drove her away.
By hitting her.
The team had repeatedly told him to go get her. Nya kept in slight touch with her. Followed her on Instagram and texted maybe once a year. Nya knew where she lived but, after Cole had hurt her, she didn't want to give it to him.
Kai, Jay, and even Zane were on board for him to go get her. Cole was unsure. He felt extremely guilty about hitting her. He was going to apologize to her and confess the love he still had for her.
2 years later.
He mustered up the courage and Kai begged Nya for the address while Cole was getting ready to go.
"Nyaaaaa please."
Kai pleaded. He was on his knees.
Nya placed her hands on her hips and huffed.
"No! She was in a bad place because of him."
She tried to explain.
"But Cole has changed Nya and you know it!"
Kai pleaded.
Nya rolled her eyes not wanting to continue listening to her brothers begging. Cole walked out right as she said it.
"She lives her on main in the dark blue apartment on floor 4. Number 411."
She huffed and walked away. She was going to have to apologize later to Y/N for sending the man who hurt her so bad to her home. Y/b/n and your home. He had been there to soothe the pain. He was a great guy. And Y/N loved him. They had been dating for 2 years. Longer than her's and Cole's relationship.

I heard a knock on the door. I paused the movie I was watching with Y/b/n. Captain America Civil War. It was one of my favorites.
"Did you order pizza babe?" I asked Y/b/n as I uncurled from his side and lifted up my f/c blanket.
He said popping the p.
"Did you?"
He said as he pulled his phone out and started checking his Twitter.
"Nuh uh. And my mom would've called if she was coming over. Nobody else would come by. Probably just a Girl Scout."
I answered as I walked towards the door.
"In that case, let me grab my wallet."
He said as he jogged across the room to get his wallet. It was so sweet how many Girl Scout cookies he bought when we ended up eating maybe one or two boxes.
I swung open the door.
"Hi, how may I help you?"
As soon as I saw who it was my body went numb and I froze.
"Hey Y/N."
Cole said rubbing the back of his neck.
I didn't say anything. Y/b/n sprinted and was behind with his wallet. He put his wallet down on our key table and grasped my hand tightly. He knew how much Cole had hurt me. He was there when I was in such a bad place.
"Hello Cole."
Y/b/n gritted through his teeth. He squeezed my hand tightly and I squeezed back.
"Hey. Aren't you Y/N's boyfriend?"
He asked. I could tell when he said boyfriend and wasn't referring  to himself.
He grinned.
"What do you want Cole?"
I asked trying to keep my cool and not slam the door and go watch my movie.
"I'm here to apologize. I'm sorry for what I said and did. It was wrong."
He soothed.
I remembered all the good memories we had together. But also when he raised his hand in the air and swung.
"Apology accepted."
I smiled. It was fake. I was still hurt.
"Even though you have Y/b/n, I want to say I still love you."
I squeezed my boyfriend's hand tightly.
"Thank you for telling me Cole. I appreciate the thought."
Before I knew it Cole had smashed his lips onto mine and y/b/n was growling cuss words.
It was sweet.
But it wasn't right.
Or was it?

I hope you enjoyed this.

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