Lloyd x Reader -hair-

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heyo I'm gonna update Abhorrent Fidelity tomorrow. (Or sometime soon I hope)

My boyfriend Lloyd Garmadon has notoriously long hair. And I'm going to tell you the story of how I ended up screaming out the window for my boyfriend.
Lloyd started growing his hair out a few months ago, and I personally liked it. His hair was usually long but now it reached the bottom of his neck.
And by the First Spinjitzu Master, it was glorious. It was silky soft, and a golden sea. What wasn't to like?
When he got sick once we had tied it up in a little ponytail.
It was adorable.
"I don't wanna."
He said in his adorably stuffed voice. His voice had gotten deeper the past few months and his stuffy nose had it even deeper.
I loved it.
Though I would never admit that to him.
He would make fun of me for it.
Because it happened once.
I don't speak about those times.
Never again.
Anyways, he was burning up when he was sick. He was sweating constantly.
I've never seen another human being sweat so much.
It was odd.
I insisted that he tied his hair up.
He wasn't having it.
"Tie it up Lloyd, it'll cool you off."
I pleaded him. He was suffering from the heat.
And it was winter.
He crossed his arms across his chest like the 9 year old he really was.
He said popping the p.
I face palmed and launched myself onto Ninjago's Savior.
'S bed.
"What are you doing?"
He protested as I crawled up the bed.
"Tying your hair up. Because your 4."
I said as I made my way at a rapid pace up the bed.
I pulled the hair tie (I call it that, I'm American. Get over it.) off my wrist and quickly made a little ponytail that got the hair off his neck.
He groaned as I stepped off the bed. I dusted my hands off and rubbed hand sanitizer on them. I love Lloyd but not enough to get his cold.
"You'll feel better. I promise."
I promised as I strolled out of the room and turned off the lights.
I quickly ran down the hall to tell the team that he had a ponytail.
Everybody thought it was hysterical.
So we creeped into his room, I listened closely to hear his soft snores through the door.
We all quietly crept in and took multiple pictures of the sleeping with a ponytail and plastered pictures of him all over social media. And his fangirls were eating it up.
"Good morning."
He mumbled. They all shuffled out of the room quickly.
Leaving me.
"Yeah, I'm not hot right now so I guess it worked. You were right."
He admitted.
He never admitted I was right.
So it was a good day.
Until he saw all the pictures on social media.
After he got well he started tying his hair up more often as it grew longer. He would tie it up during training to stay cool.
He would have me, or Nya, and occasionally Kai braid his hair.
The braids always turned out great because his hair was amazing.
The more he started tying his hair up led to my hair ties going missing.
I would find my glittery hair ties adorning his hair and littering glitter in it. I caught him one day in my bathroom stealing my hair ties. He had multiple on his wrist along with a bunch of hair barrettes too.
"Lloyd Montgomery Garmadon! What on the First Spinjitzu Master's earth are you doing? Is this why all my stuff has been missing?"
I sorta yelled at the accused man who had a unicorn barrett in his hair at the time.
He simply opened the window and jumped out.
~flashback end~
I looked out the window.
I yelled down at the falling man. He quickly summoned his dragon and flew to the front of the ship. I groaned and ran to the deck to find him with pigtails in his hair. Courtesy of Kai.
"Kitten, I can buy you stuff at the mall."
I called to him across the deck.
He nodded no and his pigtails were flung everywhere.
"We can share."
I offered. He nodded yes and ran up to me and kissed me.
His kisses were amazing.
He whispered in my ear.
"Braid my hair."
He finished.
I punched him in the shoulder.

I hope you enjoyed this!

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