Lloyd x reader -rain-

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heyyyyyyyy you like Lloyd x reader's right? I wrote one. Go check it out.

Tears brimmed the edges of my eyes. You could hear my parents yelling in the other room from space probably.
"You're not good enough!"
My mom would yell.
"I wanted good grades! What are these!"
My dad would scream in my face. I had enough of this household and not being good enough. I grabbed a backpack, and started stuffing clothing in it.
I was running away.
I'd be perfect if I wasn't here. My phone was going crazy with texts from boyfriend.
"Hey, Y/N What's wrong? Please tell me."
"Hey, are you okay? You haven't answered my texts."
My boyfriend was Lloyd Garmadon, now he was perfect. I ignored the texts and kept packing things. Once I had finished getting all of my belongings, I said goodbye to my house. This was the place I grew up here, and I just decided to leave it. All of it. The rain was pouring outside so I decided to grab my umbrella and head out. I opened my window above my bed, popped open my umbrella and started walking. Well, climbing really. I lived in an apartment and got lucky and had the room with the fire escape. (Plot device right? 😆)
My phone kept rapidly vibrating in my pocket. Probably texts from Lloyd pleading for me to respond to him. I looked at my phone texts littered the lock screen.
It was a picture of me smearing a cupcake with green frosting all over Lloyd's face. It took days to get the frosting off of his face. It stained his face, it made me happy.
Only felt it when I was with him.
It had gotten pretty late, and the rain hadn't let up.
It had gotten worse.
I turned around and saw the bright lights of the city. I lived on the edge of a Ninjago city, so it wasn't too far. I didn't even say goodbye to Lloyd.
A bright green ball of light flew up from behind me. Then stopped in front of me.
"What are you doing Y/N?"
The green ninja called to me from his glowing dragon.
The green ninja made frequent visits to my apartment, where we would crawl into my windowsill and talk to me.
That made me happy too.
I yelled up to him through the pouring rain.
"You know my parents don't like me!"
I called.
"I know! Come with me and start all over!"
He yelled back. Then he pulled back his hood to reveal his golden locks, and his emerald eyes that shone through the rain. He de-summoned his dragon and fell to the ground. Eye level with me.
I breathed out.
"I had to protect you. If people knew you were my girlfriend, they would try to kill you. And I didn't want that."
He said.
I broke.
I slumped to my knees in the middle of the street and started crying.
"Lloyd, I can't live here! My parents don't love me!"
I said punching the asphalt.
"You can live with me! Start over!"
He said getting down on my level.
I whispered.
He whispered back cupping my cheek.
He closed the distance between us as we kissed.
"I love you Lloyd Garmadon."

Heeeyy, you think I should write like a Spider-Man/Peter Parker, or Tom Holland oneshot book similar to this?

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