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We called in the novice class to the gym and started laying out how the field trip is going to work and we call out the first eight novices to go get their chant marks in the headmaster's office. Alberta escorted them. Alberta and I talked quite a bit on our way to Kirova's office where Kirova herself performed these chant marks. Alberta thought the new curriculum is a great idea. After observing Eddie and me after our first face to face strigoi attack and that changed us. I thanked her. She wanted to know how Dimitri was and how Junior is doing. I filled her in happily. Hey, she was after all one of my mentors in my senior year here at St Vladimir's. The students were all ready and I changed into my battle gear, okay I only change my jackets to those of a normal guardian.

Eight novices with eight guardians we all set out to downtown Montana where strigoi love to pray for their next meal. We explained to the now scary looking kids how this exercises will work and how working well in teams can safe moroi lives and their own. Then we told them to only watch their guardians first tonight then for the next two days they will work one day as a team than one day solo.

Solo but with their guardian by their side the whole time. We took to the streets my novice called Mani MacAlmon. I taught him to stay in the shadows. The best way to attack a single strigoi is from the side and never ever to hesitate. We were watching a biker bar in Washington street a perfect setting for strigoi. We waited and waited then finally one walked across the street right towards us as he passes the alley we were waiting in I pulled him into the alley.

He was ready for action bearing his fangs at me with my silver stake in my hand keeping myself between Mani and the red eye enemy. He lunges at me and dodges thanks to William's new training I'm even faster than before. What I could see of Mani's face his eye were as big as saucers in shock. I kicked the strigoi's knee out breaking it. This strigoi was fairly new but still strong and fast. He cried out in pain. Having him at my level makes it easier for me to burn him to weaken him then he lay a punch on my jaw. It was sore for about a second but I was perfectly fine it's not broken or dislocated. I burned him again then went in for the kill as I work my stake into his chest piercing his heart. The strigoi fell to the ground dead. I turned to dazed Mani, who was as white as a sheet.

'Mani? Mani talk to me?'

'Guardian Belikov that was so intense.'

'What have you learned by observing me today?'

'Use what you have. Burning strigoi can weaken them so you can go in for the kill and that hand to hand combat can save your life and the life of you moroi in a life or death situation.'

'Excellent. You think you can handle doing this on your own?'

'I can only try my best, guardian Belikov.'

'Good, let's head back. You look a little sick are you okay?'

'No, I am not guardian Belikov.'

'Go ahead throw up over by the dumpster. You'll feel better afterward.' He ran and puked his lungs out, then joined me looking better.


'Yes, thank you.' I hand him a bottle of water when we got to the car. Only five including Mani and me of the eight groups has returned to the cars already. Alberta and Sonja still have to return and guardian Antoinette and novice Alaric have to return yet. 20 minutes later Alberta and Sonja joined our group and 10 minutes after them Antoinette and Alaric returned and we all head back to school once everyone was back at the cars.

We asked the novice how they found watching the guardians has helped. They all gave great answers but they all still look so shell-shocked and sick. We arrived back at school 10 minutes before curfew so they went straight to bed. Not that I think they are going to sleep much, but we told them all to try and get enough rest for tomorrows field trip.

I gave Vivian an update on our field trip. The other guardians with Vivian and me talked what the kids observed and learned in our first outing. She found it all so amazing and wrote everything down. We all ate dinner that was kept aside for us. Heading to my room I phone Dimitri getting an update and I gave him the load down of our first successful field trip. As always he told me to be careful and I assured him.

I took a shower, washing, and shaving everywhere that needs shaving. Getting dressed for bed and lay down on Dimitri's old bed we almost made love in on our first encounter under the spell of Victor's lust charm. Goodness, what a long distant memory it is now and just look how far Dimitri and I have come since then. With that warm and fussy feeling, I fell asleep.

Vampire Academy  - Into the Future(Completed)Where stories live. Discover now